The Prophecy

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Firekit woke up, and as soon as he raised his head, he heard Squirrelflight say sharply, "Good, now all of you are awake, and you can explain to me what happened yesterday.

Firekit sat up, and shook the moss off his pelt. "Well," he began, "We were exploring the camp, and Cherrypaw showed us what each den was. Then, Frozenkit said we should see what was through the tunnel. Once we were outside, Frozenkit led us out of our territory, and we got lost. We met a fox, and something scared it away, and we found our way home."

"Firekit was very brave," Lightningkit added. "He tried to fight the fox, all by himself!"

Squirrelflight let out a purr. "It looks like you're living up to your name. Come, let me introduce you to all of the cats," she led them outside. "First, let me introduce you to Purdy."

Firekit suppressed a groan. They would be talking to him all day, with all the stories he had.

"Come on, slowpoke!" Frozenkit squeaked.

"Okay, let's go," Firekit replied, knowing there was no way out of it.

They walked into the elder's den, to find Purdy sitting in his nest, staring out into space. When they walked up to him, Purdy didn't shift his gaze. 

"Purdy, come meet my kits!" Squirrelflight said cheerfully.

"Are they really yours this time?" Purdy asked rudely.

Squirrelflight gritted her teeth, and Firekit immediately knew she was trying to control her temper.

"Yes. Purdy, this is Firekit, Frozenkit, and Lightningkit. Kits, this is Purdy," Squirrelflight meowed.

"Well, kits, do you want to hear about the time I fought a fox, all by myself?" Purdy asked.

"Sorry, Purdy, but they have to meet all the other cats, first. Maybe another time," Squirrelflight said quickly, before he could launch into one of his stories.

"Okay. Come to me whenever you want to hear a story," Purdy called to them as they walked away. When Firekit glanced back, Purdy was staring into space again. 

He really misses Mousefur, Firekit thought.

"Alright. Now, you can come and meet the medicine cat, even though he already met you," Squirrelflight meowed.

"But isn't he the grumpy cat with a sharp tongue," Frozenkit complained.

"Who told you that?" Squirrelflight asked.

"Cherrypaw," the three said unanimously.

"Well, he's very nice if you get to know him," Squirrelflight said.

"Squirrelflight?" Lightningkit asked.

"Yes?" she answered.

"What did Purdy mean when he said are these kits yours this time?" Lightningkit asked.

Firekit looked at Squirrelflight, to see her reaction. Her face showed no emotion. "That's a story for another time," she said finally.

The kits glanced at each other. Firekit shrugged. If she didn't want to talk, then she didn't have to talk.
"Jayfeather!" Squirrelflight called, stopping in front of the medicine cats den.

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