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              Firekit looked around at the place he had called home for such a long time. Frozenkit charged towards the warriors den.
             "What is it?" Frozenkit squeaked.
             "It looks like... A den," Firekit said slowly, still trying his best not to give the secret away.
              "That's the warriors den," the kits whirled around to see Squirrelflight, watching them. "Don't travel too far, and don't bother the warriors while they hunt, or practice battle moves."
               "Okay," they all called to her, and Squirrelflight walked back into the nursery.
               Firekit looked over at the apprentices den. "What's that?" He exclaimed, sprinting towards it.
               "This is the apprentices den," said Cherrypaw, as she popped her head out of it. "And I'm Cherrypaw. You three must be the new kits."
                 Firekit nodded. "I'm Firekit."
                 As he said his name, Cherrypaw's face twisted from cheerful, to a look of grieving. "They named you after Firestar," she said softly.
                 "I'm Frozenkit," Frozenkit announced.
                 "And I'm Lightningkit," he said.
                 "Well, I'll tell you all the different places. Up there is High Ledge, and behind it is your father's den. Over there," she waved her tail towards another den," is the medicine cats den. And don't bother Jayfeather, our medicine cat too much. He has short temper, and a sharp tongue. Over there is the dirt place tunnel. And you came from the nursery."
                 "Okay, thanks," Firekit said, eager to show his litter mates the rest of the camp.
                  Cherrypaw turned, and walked back into her den.
                  "Let's go over there!" Frozenkit suggested, motioning to the tunnel that led to Thunderclan territory.
                 "No, let's go somewhere else," Firekit said quickly.
                 "Awww, looks like someone's scared," Lightningkit teased.
                 Frozenkit and Lightningkit continued to taunt him, and finally, Firekit gave in. "But I'm going to regret this," he mumbled under his breath.
                 "Yay!" Frozenkit exclaimed, running through the tunnel.
                 "You coming?" Lightningkit asked.
                 "I'm right behind you," Firekit said, trying to sound enthusiastic. The two toms charged after their sister, and soon erupted out of the tunnel, too.
                  "I'll lead the way," Frozenkit meowed importantly.
                  "Lead on," Lightningkit said. Frozenkit led them towards the unknown territory. Firekit shivered silently, but he knew he couldn't back down now, or Lightningkit and Frozenkit would never stop teasing him about being scared of exploring.
                  As they walked on, the Thunderclan scent disappeared behind them. Suddenly, Firekit scented a fox. "Guys, I think we should go back now. Squirrelflight will be looking for us," Firekit said nervously.
                 "Just a little farther," Frozenkit begged.
                 "Yeah, just a little," Lightningkit added.
                 "I guess a little farther won't hurt," Firekit said, uncertainly. He was starting to get excited, too, for he had never been in this part of the territory.
                 As they continued the walk, Firekit's worries left him, and he started to enjoy it. He knew that he should scent for anything dangerous.
                 I'll just take a little break. It's not like there are any other cats here to attack us. And who would attack three kits, Firekit thought, completely forgetting the fox he had scented earlier.
                The three kits suddenly heard a snare. Firekit whipped around, and saw a fox in front of them. He could smell Lightningkit and Frozenkit's fear. He leaped at it, claws unsheashed. But he so small and weak, his claws barely scratched the foxes fur.
                 Firekit's siblings let out screeches of terror. Then, a starry figure appeared. It was Sandstorm. She stood in front of the fox, and let out a yowl. The fox didn't budge. Sandstorm leaped onto it's back, and sunk her claws into his flesh. Blood oozed out, and the fox shook Sandstorm off, and ran. Sandstorm nodded to the three kits, and ran off.
                  Firekit stared wide eyed after her. "She saved us," Firekit said slowly.
                  Glancing at his siblings, he added, "Let's not tell anyone about what happened. We can just say we explored a little, and got lost, which is true."
                   "Why can't we tell the whole truth?" Frozenkit asked.
                    "Yeah, it was cool," Lightningkit added.
                    "Are you both mouse brained?" Firekit snapped. "If the clan found out, they'd be angry. And what do you think would happen if Squirrelflight and Bramblestar found out? They'd be furious!"
                     The two looked at each other. "All right," Lightningkit said finally. "Frozenkit, lead the way back."
                     "Well, the thing is, I don't know the way back," Frozenkit meowed shyly.
                     "What?!?" Firekit screeched.
                     "Okay, so I lead the way here. I didn't even know where I was going then!" Frozenkit snapped defensively.
                     Then, the starry she-cat appeared again. "Wow, you three get into a lot of trouble! I'll show you the way back."
                     Sandstorm led the way, and soon they were in Thunderclan territory. Firekit followed Sandstorm silently, and when they got closer to camp, Sandstorm stopped. "This is as far as I can take you. Just follow the path down, until you reach the tunnel, and go in. Your clanmates will be waiting for you."
                    She pointed her tail, and the three kits looked in the direction she was pointing in. Firekit could barely see the tunnel the led into the Thunderclan camp.
                   "Thank you..." Frozenkit started to say, but stopped when she saw the she-cat had disappeared.
                  "Well, that was strange," Lightningkit commented.
                  "Remember, don't tell anyone," Firekit said. The other two nodded, and they walked into the tunnel.
                 "Where have you been?!?" Squirrelflight exclampimed as soon as they entered.
                "Exploring," Firekit said casually.
                "I was worried sick," she rushed up to them. "If you ever do that again, I'll, I'll-"
                "Squirrelflight, stop fussing. We're fine. We just got lost because somebody led us away from camp," Lightningkit said, looking pointedly at Frozenkit.
                 Frozenkit glared back at him. "Hey, if you were leading us, you would have gotten us lost, too!"
                 "Yeah, but at least I won't have led us straight into a fox!" Lightningkit snapped.
                 "Fox!" Squirrelflight shrieked.
                  Firekit glared at both of them. "Well, nice going, blabbermouth!" Firekit snapped.
                  "Well, you three can tell us of your adventures tomorrow. Right now, we all need some sleep," Bramblestar said, padding up.
                  It was then that Firekit noticed the sun had already set, and the moon was up.
                 The three kits walked into the nursery. They snuggled up together, and Firekit fell asleep.
                As soon as his eyes closed, he was in a starry clearing, and Sandstorm was sitting on the grass, waiting for him.
               "Hi Firestar. Or should I say, Firekit," she teased.
              "No, here I'm Firestar," Firestar corrected.
              "Well, you had a pretty eventful day," she commented. "Almost got eaten by a fox, then saved by a Starclan warrior."
              "And being born," Firestar added.
               "Well, good luck explaining what happened," Sandstorm said, "because you're going to need it."
               "Thanks for the encouragement!" Firestar meowed sarcastically. "And thanks for saving my litter mates and I."
                "I'm used to it," Sandstorm answered. "So, is being alive fun?"
                "Being a kit is fun," Firestar answered. "And it will be more fun when you become a kit. I wonder if you will have any litter mates."
                 "Yeah, that would be cool," Sandstorm said. "Oh, you're fading already."
                 Firestar looked down at himself. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow night."
                 "Bye," she said. "Oh, and don't say anything about being saved. And make sure you talk, not your siblings."
                 "Don't worry. I have everything under control," Firestar said.

Sorry if I confused any of you with the Firestar Firekit thing. He is Firestar when he talked to Starclan, and Firekit any other time. If this was an interesting chapter, thank Glaceon-lucario. Thanks for the great idea! And thank all of you for all the views! Please follow me! Jk, you don't have to. But you do have to COMMENT!!!!!!! Thanks to those of you who have, and others... Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't make Starclan angry!! :)

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