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Spencers POV:

" Awwww. They are so cute." I heard a voice say. Ugh, I dont wanna get up. I took a pillow and threw it in the direction of the voice. I cuddled deeper into Mikey. I felt Mikey shift. Crap. That means I have to get up. " Get dressed, we are going shopping with the 1d boys" Someone whispered in my ear as i dozed off. I jumped. Fuck You Calum. I Nodded. I shoved both ' Men' out of my room. I picked out my clothes. I walked into the bathroom. I striped down so I was only in a sports bra and underwear. I looked at my legs. Look at those ugly ass scars. Nobody ever loves a girl with scars. I took a deep breath. I slid on my acid wash skinnies. I pulled on my Normal People Scare Me sweatshirt on. I tied my mint green converses. I braided my hair into a normail braid. It looked terrible, but who really cares. I slipped on my mint green beanie over my hair. I took one glance at the mirror to make sure i look ok. My feet padded down the stairs. I walked into the room. Ashton pulled me onto his lap I let out a scream. Me and Ash just started laughing. All the other boys loooked at us like we are 10 headed aliens eating bacon. Wow, I'm really 'Normal'. Luke finally spoke up. "We are going to meet the 1d lads st Nadon's." I nodded. Thats what he said. LOL. Ok, I'm wierd. And..........I'm Proud. We all walked to the car."SHOTGUN" I screamed. We got lookes by people walking by. I hopped into the front. Ash said I could put in any CD in. I happened to pick the greenday one. We rolled the windows down, despite the cold weather. We were belting out the lyrics to ' American Idiot' by Green Day.

*After Car Ride*

We pulled up to Nado's. It was reserved becuase 1d was here. We walked in. We spotted the boys, and they spotted us. The boys said Hi's and stuff. "Lads, This is Luke's sister spencer." Calum speaks guesturing to me. Luke put a protective arm over my shoulder. I was attacked by a HUGE group hug. I look over to see a girl with bootiful brown hair. Louis says " This is Elanor, of El." guestering to her. I wave shyly. Luke whispers "You will go shopping with El so it won't be akward." I nodded. We went up to the line. There was this beutiful girl. She looked around 12. We orderd food. I got a large fries, with a milkshake. I see on the milkshake's cup there was a twitter name and a wattpad username. I smiled at her. I pulled out my phone and followed her. Her name was Lyric. I looked through her stories. They were mostly about runaway girls. "Come on Spenc we are gonna go now." El whispered in my ear. I closed out of Wattpad and got up. First store Victorious Secret. We bought some small sized bras.After we bought them El through a bra at me. " THIS IS WAR!" I yell at her. We started a bra fight. Long story short we got kicked out of the mall, crap. Me and El looked at each other and started to laugh. We were laughing fits. Once we calmed down we texted the boys to come pick us up. Once we all got in the car Michael asked, " What REALLY happened." Now it was time to explain.

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