Chapter 5: Trusting One Another...

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Ever since the incident with that blond jerk, Gons been more distant then before. He's also been more quite. when I try to talk to him, He just gives me small smiles or simples responses. I felt like, we were losing our trust towards one other.

I sat on my bed thinking how I should Approach Gon...

Maybe he's tired of talking to just one person...or maybe he's mad at me...I don't know...maybe I should give him some space...but...

Let me....handle him...



I sighed, fine...but only for a little while. I don't want to bug him as much today. Everything suddenly went black around me, I was back here...maybe for the hundredth time...but I was still able to see the outside world through my eyes...

That's when we heard the door open...

"Alluka im back and I brought some fruit tarts." We heard Gon, along with the should of a plastic bag.

"Alluka? Are you....there...." He stared at us, in a slight shook before they spoke.

"Gon-nii San...." They smiled reaching their hands towards him like a toddler would.

He set the bag down onto the floor and walked towards us, "Hey Nanika, it's been a while hasn't it. It's good to see you again!" His blank face then turned into a smile... that easy...

Is he getting tired of me already...?

Am I annoying him..?


"Hey alluka, I got you your favorite strawberry cake. I'll put it in the fridge for the time being, okay?" He smiled looking directly at Nanikas eyes, looking at me...

I smiled to myself as tears ran down my face...

"Ah! Nanika! Why are you crying?!" He said in a slight panic taking out napkins and cleaning our face.

"It's...nothing...Alluka is just happy...!" They said with a huge voided smile.

He Chuckled, "here come on, let's get you something to eat and catch up on."



"Really now? Illumis still after you two?" Gon asked with a slight scoff.

"Hm, illu- San does like...Nanika very much." They said with a saddened expression.

He patted their head and slid them a piece of the fruit tart, "It's okay, you still have you big brother Killua and Alluka to love you just as much! I also love you!"

I felt Nanika give a small happy blush, "I love Gon-nii san...!"

Gon chuckled.

"How about we take a stroll though Zeban city, I wanna try and get to know you better." He smiled.

Nanika nodded and ran off to get our belongs. They put on a cute Light Blue Swiss Dot Tiered Midi Dress, with white pumps and a white bag along with it. They also put their hair up into a high ponytail with white accessories. Nanika exited the room and walked up to Gon.

"Ready?" He asked with a smile.

"Hai!" They exclaimed jumping up as their heels clacked onto the ground each time.

"I must say, you look so adorable!" He said with a cat like smile.

Nanika blushed a bit from the compliment and hugged Gon.


" Gon-nii!" They chirped.

Both Gon and Nanika left the hotel and walked through the city. Some people they walked by gave Nanika a weird stare or a freaked out one, some going as fair as screaming or insulting Nanika when they saw their face...

Nanika grew sad at the insults, Gon soon took notice and when the next person who insulted Nanika...well that was a whole nother story...

When they walked further into the market, Nanika accidentally bummed into someone...

"Oi! Watch where your- What the hell is that! What's wrong your face! You look like a fucking monster!" The man yelled, slightly backing away.

Tears grew in Nanikas eyeless eyes.

"What the hell did you just say..."Gon stepped in, towering over the man.

"Back off, what the hell is that thing anyways! They're fuck c-"

The man revived a hard blow to the throat and
began choking and coughing...

Serves him right for calling Nanika a monster!

"If you say one more nasty thing about Nanika, I'll slit your throat open..." Gon glared at the man coldly and released a menacing aura, scaring the surrounding people...

The man quickly nodded and Gon helped the man regain his breath. Even though he deserved to choke...

He walked up to Nanika and whipped away her tears, also pulling her in for a tight hug.

"It's alright nanika-San...your the most beautiful person in the world! Don't let that jerk tell you your not, how about we go get some ice cream to make you feel better?" Gon smiled softly.

"Okay..." they said placing Gons hand on their head...

Gon then thought of something...

He turned around and kneeled onto the ground moving his bag to his chest. Nanika and even I were confused at what he was doing.

"Here, hope on! I'll give you a piggy back ride!" He grinned like no tomorrow...

He's smiling...

"Okay!" They said with dark, yet bright, gleaming smile.

They hopped onto Gons back and off they went to the nearby ice cream shop...

I smiled to myself watching him sliming and laughing with shows to prove how lonely he was and needed at least someone he can talk to...

I hope he'll be able to face you...maybe one day, but not now...

I want to see him slime for the time being...


To be continued...

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