the way you look at me (requested)

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"Are you okay?" You asked Giselle as she sat down on the sofa beside you, kissing your cheek.

She just got out of the shower. She'd had a long day in practice and she needed one. But now that she was out and by your side, she felt much happier and much more relaxed and ready to spend some time with you.

She was in her sweats and a plain shirt. Her long hair was damp and a little messy because of the towel she ran through it to dry it a bit more after she brushed it.

But she looked so beautiful.

"Yeah." She smiled at you.

"Do you want to tell me about your day?" You asked and by the look in your eyes, she knew you were genuinely interested in hearing all about it.

She started to talk to you about it. That made you feel better because you know she and the girls are under a lot of stress these days with the comeback and how incredibly busy they are.

She needs to talk about everything and you're always there to listen.

But she eventually found herself stumbling over her words.

She saw the look in your eyes as she spoke. They looked so shiny, so soft as you stared at her.

They were full of love as you sat there, hand on your cheek as you stared at her with a look of love that made her melt.

The way you make her feel so loved is so different from anything she's ever felt before. It's not just in your touch and your kisses.

It's not only in the way you speak to her; only words of love and support, compliments that fall from your lips day after day.

People across the world tell her things like that every day; how beautiful she is, how talented she is, how her smile can make anyone's day better.

But it's different when it comes from you.

But it's also in the way you look at her. As long as you've been together now, not once have you stared at her with angry or lustful eyes. She's never once seen a look of jealousy in them.

You're not the jealous type. Maybe, at times, you get protective and hold onto her to make it known she's taken.

But you've never looked at her with anything but love. You've never stared at her with anything but eyes full of stars.

As if, in all the years you've been in this world, you've never once seen anything that's even close to as beautiful as she is.

She stopped speaking and started to giggle, which made you look at her even more fondly than before.

"What's with the giggles, pretty girl?"

"Nothing." She smiled. "It's just the way you look at me that makes my heart melt sometimes."

Your eyes lit up at her words and you started to caress her soft cheek.


"Yeah. You make me feel beautiful."

"You are beautiful, baby."

She pecked your lips and you giggled happily at the feeling.

"I'm used to people staring at me. You know, considering everything. But it's different when it's your eyes on me. I feel so loved."

"Well, it's hard to take my eyes off of you, babe. You're beautiful. Not just on the outside, but inside too. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I'm very in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too." She grinned.

"And if I could, I'd never take my eyes off of you. I could stare at you forever. You take my breath away. Your sweet smile, your beautiful brown eyes, your kissable lips. You're perfect to me and I love you. I love staring at you. I adore you."

She moved closer to you and pushed her lips onto yours for a sweet kiss, loving the way your lips tasted and moved so perfectly against hers.

When she pulled away, you put your forehead on yours and stared at you with sparkly eyes once again.

"My beautiful girl." You whispered softly and brushed your thumb along her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Giselle Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now