talking about having a baby (requested)

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Giselle brushed her fingers across yours and every time she came into contact with the ring on your finger, she found herself smiling from ear to ear.

You're cuddled up together in the hotel room bed, officially married, and on your honeymoon in the beautiful city of Perth, Australia.

It was a romantic honeymoon spot and the weather was gorgeous, so you'd be able to do a lot while here.

But right now, you're both content in your hotel room where you can cuddle and bask in the bliss and love you feel after finally tying the knot.

"Can you believe we're married? It feels too good to be true."

"I know. I'm so happy! We get to spend the rest of our lives together. It's going to be amazing." She smiled.

You looked at her and she watched you bite your lip as if something was on your mind.


"Now that we're married, do you think it's time we start a family together?"

Giselle wasn't surprised at all to hear you ask that.

You've had this conversation together many times and you both agreed that after getting married, you'd talk more about it but having a family together was something you both wanted so much.

She knows you're excited about it and she can see in your eyes that you're hoping she'll say yes.

"Well, the girls and I are incredibly busy still." She said and watched a look of sadness appear on your face. "I know SM is pushing us hard about touring."

"I know. But they're going to do that every year or every other year, baby. You and I both know that."

She nodded because she knew you were right.

"If we're not on the same page, we have to talk so we can get there."

"I know, my love. I agree." She spoke. "You know how much I want a family with you. I know you're right about touring and comebacks and all that. I just don't want to miss anything."

You gazed at her, listening closely to every word and concern she told you.

"I don't want to miss anything. Not with you being pregnant or when we do have a baby. There are so many beautiful and important things that come along with that. I can't imagine not being around for any of them."

"You won't be. Giselle, you and I both know that if we did have a baby, you wouldn't let anything keep you from being with me or the baby."

"You're right. SM would get an earful from me if I missed any milestones of any sort if I couldn't get away from any schedules. The girls would give them an earful too."

You laughed before biting your lip again.

"I want you to come on tour with us. I refuse to leave my pregnant wife behind. If you're too heavily pregnant, that's one thing. But if you're not too far along, I'm bringing you with me. We'd schedule appointments and everything as we go."

"I would love that."

"And I don't want to miss anything, not a single thing."

"I wouldn't let you." You promised. "You'll be an incredible mom, Giselle,"

She thought about it for a few more seconds before grinning.

"So will you. When we get home, we should talk to the doctor about IVF. Let's start trying for a baby."

"Really?" You asked as your eyes lit up.

"Yeah. I know the girls and I love what we do and we'll keep doing this for a long time still. I can do that and have a few babies with my beautiful wife at the same time."

"A few? How many are you thinking?" You wondered.

"I don't know. Three, four, five." She spoke as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Let's start with one and go from there." You suggested and she laughed before kissing you.

"Deal. But let's start when we get home. There's no time like the present. I want to have a family with you."

"I want to have a family with you too. I love you."

"I love you too."

You shared a few kisses and caresses before smiling against each other's lips, so excited to get back home and start the process of having a baby together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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