"that's hot" (requested)

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Laying in bed with Giselle laying over you and her starry eyes locked with yours, you swear that you haven't been this content in so long.

She's finally home after traveling and performing in different parts of the world for the last few weeks and you've missed each other so much that all you want to do is spend the next few days in each other's arms.

Well, that and share as many kisses as possible.

After not being able to kiss each other for weeks, pulling away from her lips is very difficult.

Seeing that you were getting lost in your thoughts, Giselle gave you a couple of pecks on your lips before she started to brush her thumb across your cheek.

"What's on your mind?" She wondered.

"Nothing." You said. "I'm just thinking about you. About how much I love you and how much I've missed you."

Giselle smiled brightly at you as she moved her thumb from your cheek and to your lower lip instead.

"I feel the same way." She whispered. "I've missed you so much. I don't even know how to express it to you."

You didn't know either because the feelings of love for her and the longing you felt while she was away can be overwhelming.

But you've missed her a lot and you want to show her that in more ways than one.

Knowing that a few kisses here and there aren't enough and you'd both rather get lost in a deep and passionate makeout, you decided to do something to Giselle that you hadn't ever done before.

As she brushed her thumb below your lip, you grabbed her hand and wrapped your fingers around hers.

Giselle momentarily thought you were going to hold her hand.

So she was shocked when you, instead, pulled her fingers closer to your mouth.

You parted your lips and looked right into Giselle's eyes as you put her fingers into your mouth and started to suck on them.

"Oh, baby," She said as she bit her lip and watched you in awe. "That's hot."

You smiled a little and continued to suck on her fingers, swirling your tongue around them.

She was enjoying every second of this, just as you were.

"This is new." She said with a small smirk. "You've never done anything like this before."

"I wanted to change things up a bit. I love you lots and I want to show you that in as many different ways as I can." You explained.

Her heart was about to burst out of her chest as you continued to bring her an intense rush of pure bliss and euphoria as you sucked on her fingers.

It was new and it was amazing.

Giselle was weak, finding herself craving you and this action even more than usual.

"That's so sexy, god, baby." She said with a shaky sigh and you hummed against her fingers, sucking on them again. "Keep doing that."

You looked into her eyes again and found a look of desire and need and her smirk grew when you grabbed her other hand.

"As if I'd be stopping anytime soon." You said as you dropped her one hand and began sucking on the fingers of her other one. "I'm far from finished. I want you to feel as amazing as you make me feel."

She closed her eyes as a little moan fell from her lips, every second of you sucking on her fingers making her feel even more incredible.

And you still had the whole night ahead, giving you both plenty of time to bask in moments like these; moments of pure and intense bliss that neither of you would ever forget.

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