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A/N: A big thank you to all those who have read my story so far and the continued support, it means a lot to me that you are all liking the story so far. I do not own James Bond in any way, shape or form; I only own Cassie. Also a little side note, in my cast list I put Rachael Stirling as Tracy rather than Diana Rigg who originally played her in the movie, that was intentional. For those of you who are unaware, Rachael Stirling is Diana Rigg's daughter and I thought it would be fitting to have her as Tracy especially opposite Craig's interpretation of Bond.

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The journey home had seemed to go by in a blur to Cassie, her mind kept drifting back to the strange encounter she had with that man in Portugal; she knew for definite that she had never seen this man before in her life and yet it felt like he knew more than he was letting on, especially where her grandfather and her mother were concerned. She kept studying the ring he gave her.

The plain silver band that had a small black octopus engraved into it, What significance did this ring have? Did it have anything to do with her grandfather's death? Why did this Franz only choose to make his presence known now, why not make himself known sooner?

Too many questions kept buzzing through her head, so many to the point that they were beginning to give her a migraine. Finally deciding not to dwell on the issue of Franz and the ring, Cassie put the ring back into her handbag and closed her eyes; trying to let sleep take her but to no avail.

The more she wanted to sleep; the more awake she became which frustrated her to no end. In the back of her mind she knew that she would feel more at ease once she touched back down in London and would be able to focus more once she was back at work.

Once she landed at Heathrow airport; she was delighted to find Bond waiting for her at the arrival gate, in all honesty; she had never been so happy to see a familiar face in all her life. Approaching him with a smile; Cassie rushed up to Bond with a smile on her face before crushing him in a tight hug"Hello you," Bond said quietly "Hello" she said in return "you have no idea how happy i am to see you." They broke away from their hug, Bond looked up and down at her "I'm so sorry about your grandfather" he said sincerely "I should've been here for you."

Cassie shook her head in a quick response "You weren't to know what was to happen, you had your own business to deal with." Bond took Cassie's holdall from her hand and led her out to his Aston Martin DBS V8. 'Nice motor' she thought to herself as she got into the passenger side.

The Journey to Bond's flat was a quiet one. A more comfortable silence than an awkward one. Not that Cassie was really bothered by it; It gave her a few extra moments to gather her thoughts before the god knows how many questions her father was going to inevitably ask, she welcomed it and basked in it.

She must've dozed off because they arrived back at Bond's flat in Chelsea before she knew it. Once inside, Bond offered her a drink to which she replied with "water please."

"How was the funeral?" He asked while handing her the glass "it was a beautiful send off for him, I kept it small and simple; I think he would've liked it that way." She replied trying to maintain her composure.

"I'm sure he would've" Bond replied, Cassie felt a few stray tears fall down her cheeks "I arranged to have him buried next to mum, he always wished it so naturally it felt right to do so." Bond handed her some tissues so she could dry her eyes.

"Did it take long to settle his affairs?" Bond asked trying not to sound like he was holding a court of inquiry, "it took a little longer than I had anticipated but I managed to get it all sorted before the funeral took place, he left me everything in his will so his solicitors will be in touch with all the final documentation and details." Cassie took a swig of her drink.

She had pondered on whether or not to tell Bond about the conversation with the mysterious Franz that made her feel uneasy. After much deliberation she decided she would and took a deep breath. "There was a very strange man there though who spoke to me after the service."

Bond looked at her with concern. "What strange man? What did he look like?" "Strange In the sense that he made me feel very uneasy, the things he said, it was like he knew in depth personal things about my family, particularly grandpa and mum."

This new information filled Bond with a sense of dread "what did he say about your mum" he asked kneeling down In front of her; making eye contact "just that he knew her while she was alive and that what happened to her was too tragic for someone so young, but it was the way he said it that set me on edge, he said it with a smirk on his face."

Bond clenched his fist "did he give a name?" He asked her trying to remain calm, Cassie's nodded her head "yes, Franz Oberhauser" she then proceeded to take the ring out of her handbag and handed it to Bond "he also gave me this" she said while placing the ring in his hand.

Bond observed the object carefully. "I was going to have Q take a look at it it you might have better luck at getting to the bottom of it, oh dad he creeped me out so much in that moment I wished you were there with me."

Bond put an arm around his daughter's shoulder "it's alright, I'm here now, I'm going to keep hold of this for a while before handing it to Q, this may be linked to what I have been investigating, in the meantime I don't feel comfortable with you going back to your flat so I'll have a word with Moneypenny and see if she can put you up in her spare room for a few days."

Cassie shook her head in protest "there's no need for that" "nonsense" he interrupted "it's the least I can do and it gives me piece of mind that you are safe while I take a look into this guy, whoever this man is could mean that he is possibly dangerous and if knows much about your mother like he claims then that means that he is a person of interest to look into."

Cassie looked into her fathers eyes, he was silently pleading with her "please Cassie, do it for me at least" he begged. Cassie then sighed and gulped down the last of her water, silently wishing that she had asked for alcohol instead "ok dad, give Moneypenny a call." "Thank you" he replied and soon scurried off into the kitchen to call to Moneypenny to make all of the necessary arrangements.

A/N: sorry it has taken me so long to upload, I have been busy with work and well life got in the way I'm afraid. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and it wasn't too boring for you. So I suppose I have a question for you all what was the first Bond film you remember watching (whether it is cinema,vhs or dvd) and who is your all time favourite Bond girl? Mine is Goldeneye and my all favourite Bond girl is Tracy of course. Until the next time, I hope you all have a lovely day!!!

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