When In Rome

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A/N: Thank you all so much for the continuous support and positive feedback of this story. It makes me so happy that you are all enjoying this story and I hope haven't disappointed so far. I do not own James Bond in any way, shape or form; I only own Cassie.

When In Rome

Bond had had arrived at Sciarra's funeral when the service was nearing it's end. He noticed that despite the big turnout; Sciarra's widow was on her own in the centre of the room; no close relatives by her side, no friends, she was alone.  The way this was all set out did not sit well with him at all. Something just didn't add up.

Bond noticed a small man a few meters in front of him with two taller men lingering behind him. The man oozed power. The rest of the crowd didn't even dare to stand near him. Could this possibly be the elusive Franz Oberhauser that approached Cassie at Draco's funeral a few weeks before?

The man didn't turn;He stood very still as if he were a statue. It was only when the priest had finished giving the final rights for the service that the crowd begun to break apart and the man proceeded to walk away with his two associates following close behind him. After a few brief moments Bond found that it was only himself and Sciarra's widow left in the room. An overall sense of dread filled the room.

The meeting between Bond and Sciarra's widow was short and to the point, two men were placed at either end of the room, when Sciarra's widow left the room one of the men followed behind her leaving the final man behind Bond; staring intently waiting for him to leave. 'This isn't right at all' he thought to himself as he left the building.

Later that evening Bond found himself at the Sciarra mansion, after killing the two men who had lingered after the service; It was very clear to Bond that their intention was to kill the attractive widow, after getting all the necessary information he needed before bedding the woman, quick work even for his standards. Bond grabbed the ring that Cassie gave to him and put it on his finger "be careful James" the widow said with concern; Bond then informed the woman to get in touch with embassy as well as his old friend Felix Leiter before leaving the mansion.

Despite the fact that this elusive meeting was being held in such a big building, it gave off a very creepy vibe, a sense of doom or dread. If Cassie had been here she would've made some stupid pop culture reference to cheer him up. Something along the lines of "do you think he is trying to purposely make it feel like one of Scooby Doo's houses?" God he missed her. But he had to keep her safe.

If this Frank Oberhauser had anything to do with Draco or Tracy's deaths like Bond suspected he did; then Cassie wouldn't be safe until he stopped him. The thought of Cassie being in danger made him feel uneasy. Since she had come into his life, it had been as if his priorities in life had changed; If anything ever happened to her then he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He supposed that he would only cross that bridge if he should (god forbid) come to it.

He kept himself hidden to the best of his ability. The room in which the meeting was being held was very dark and very crowded. He could see the silhouette of Oberhauser at the head of the table but the room was so dark that Bond unfortunately couldn't make out any of his facial features.

He lost focus scoping the area; thinking of a possible way out when he heard his name being called. It was Oberhauser himself "welcome James" he said with a hint of malice in his voice. It was when Oberhauser turned his head towards Bond when the men in front of him turned to face him as if to strike. It was then that Bond decided to flee.

After a very long and convoluted car chase between himself and Oberhauser's goons; Bond managed to get away safely, it was in that time that Bond chose to contact Moneypenny. "Hello" Moneypenny said as if she had been just woken up. "Moneypenny, it's Bond, I need you to find out everything you can about one Franz Oberhauser" he said in a hurry.
"James, do you have any idea what time it is?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "Please Moneypenny" Bond asked back desperately. "Fine" she said back, finally giving in,making her way over to her desk and booting up her computer.

While he was waiting for her to get the necessary information Bond decided to try and kill the silence "Is Cassie ok?" He asked in a concerned tone. He could hear Moneypenny's fingers tying against her keyboard very quick and precise "She's fine James, she's asleep at the moment but she's absolutely fine." Bond let out a sigh of relief.

After a few brief moments, Moneypenny let out a little cheer "Finally got it" she said sounding quite pleased with herself in the process "Oberhauser has had a hand in many network of gangs over the best part of twenty five years but James you're not going to like one of his previous associations and who one of his main contacts was." Bond sat on the edge of his seat "Who was it?" He asked impatiently, Moneypenny sighed to herself "Oberhauser was one of the executive chiefs behind Quantum and his main contact was an old adversary of yours, I'll send the picture over  to you and his current location now" "Thanks Moneypenny" Bond replied before hanging up; he instantly heard his phone ping and swore under his breath.

"Of course; Sod's law isn't it? Of all the people in Quantum that could've been his main contact, it had to be him." Bond found himself staring at the image of Mr.White. He wanted to punch something but held back, he took a few calming breaths 'It looks like I'm going to arrange a reunion' he thought to himself before driving off, following the coordinates Moneypenny had sent him.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Once again I apologise for the lack of updates this week, I'm hoping this will improve over the next few days as i am currently in the process of writing the next three chapters. This chapter was a bit of a pig to write, I just couldn't find the flow that I usually find when writing my chapters usually so I apologise for the delay. Any how I hope you all have a lovely day, the next chapter should be posted soon.

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