Training Trip

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A blonde boy with cerulean blue was in a hospital room covered in bondages all over his body almost being mummified because of his injuries after being impaled with a chidori not once but twice in the chest by a friend who's lust for power was so insatiable he choose to betray the village that spoil him for years in exchange for power, a comrade who turned traitor.

During his coma he encountered the fox and another being who was talking to the fox. It is a phoenix like entity.

Ah so you finally decided to get here said the phoenix.

Who are you? The blond boy asked.

My name is Suzaku, I am the power that is lying dormant inside of you Naruto.

Now in order to use me you must wake from your slumber first young one

Then the blonde boy now known as Naruto had awaken from his coma.

Suddenly there was a tall and well-built man in adulthood with fair skin. He had waist-length, spiky white hair that he usually ties back into a pony tail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. There were red lines under his eyes which extended further down his face. Wearing a a green short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armour that is visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore hand guards, a black belt, traditional Japanese wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side. He often carried a large scroll on his back, and had a tattoo on his left palm, and he wore a horned hitai-ate with the kanji for "oil" (油, abura), which denoted his affiliation with Mount Myoboku.

The man then greeted the blonde boy.

Naruto good your finally awaken The man greeted the boy now known as Naruto.

Jiraiya Sensei? How long was I out? Naruto response to the man now known as Jiraiya.

You were in a coma for three weeks now. How are you feeling? Asked Jiraiya.

I'm okay now sensei. Naruto replied.

Good we got a lot of training to do to make you strong and a short time to get there if you can get out of here faster the sooner we can begin.

Suzaku then told Naruto a place to train.

Naruto tell your sensei that there is a place for you to train. It is another realm the place is called seireitei. You can also get battle experience in there as well.

I know a place to train Jiraiya sensei.

Oh really? Asked Jiraiya curiously

And I can also get battle experience too. Said Naruto

He can't leave yet. Said a female voice.

The two then turned to see a fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead. Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower-back. Wearing a grass-green haori with the kanji for "gamble" (賭, kake) on the back, inside a red circle. Underneath she wears a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage. She wears open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels. She has red nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails and uses a soft pink lipstick.

Tsunade hime when can he leave? We are running out of time here. Jiraiya asked the woman now known as Tsunade.

A day from now he just gotten out of coma and we also need to observed him for the whole day to make sure that he is at 100% before he leaves. Said Tsunade.

So meet me at the gate after you get out of the hospital and pack up kid.

Naruto respond with a nod

Jiraiya then turned serious and look at Tsunade and spoke. Hime I want to speak with you in your office.

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