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With Naruto, Shizuka and Jiraiya

The two tall shinobis and a very sexy kunoichi were walking side by side as they were walking in a road, ahead of them is the Konoha gates just 2 kilometers away Naruto and Jiraiya decided to take the walk home slowly.

I can't believe it's been that long since we left eh Naruto? Asked Jiraiya.

Yeah sensei, how long has it been? Four hundred years and six months.Naruto joked

Hahaha you know we have a lot of explaining to do with Tsunade hime including the excess baggage pointing at Shizuka

Yep but still you can't deny that I reach my full potential and I can really kicked some ass now and about Shizuka chan well we'll just tell her the truth.

You can really beat anyone now Naruto I know you can beat anyone now. About that I am in trouble either way but might as well tell her the truth.

Then just one kilometer outside of Konoha the trio sense Danzo's root Anbu surrounding them he then tap Jiraiya, they then stop Naruto and Shizuka then shunpo'd and began knocking the root Anbu out surrounding them by using Inemuri on the emotionless agents, They knocked out all 300 of them leaving them all knockout in under 5 minutes.

Naruto then sighed as he collect some of the mask and sealed the 300 knocked out agents in a prisoner seal.

Naruto and Shizuka then appeared near Jiraiya and continue their trek home silently.

They arrived at the gates without a incident anymore and saw the village once again. They look around and saw nothing out of the ordinary they then go to the gate guards and greeted the two. Yo! How are you two doing?

The eternal gate guards as they were called the two of them are chunin, one by the name of Hagane Kotetsu who has long, spiky, black hair and dark eyes. He has a strip of bandage running across the bridge of his nose and a light-coloured marking on his chin, although it has the same colour as his hair in the anime. He wears the standard attire of a Konoha shinobi complete with a hitae-ate and a chunin flak jacket. The other one is Kamizuki Izumo who has brown hair, and dark eyes. His hair is combed down and always covers his right eye. He wears his hitae-ate like a bandanna along with the standard Konoha shinobi outfit which goes all the way up to his chin and a chunin flak jacket.

Yo do you know of any Anbu detachment assigned outside of the village Jiraiya then asked

Oh Jiraiya sama you are back about your question no we haven't know of any Anbu deployment in the perimeter of the village. said Kotetsu

Jiraiya then look at Naruto and Shizuka the two just shook their heads indicating that they can't sense anyone with the same emotionless walking around.

Jiraiya sama where is Naruto by the way? Asked a concerned Izumo and Kotetsu.

Hmm you mean you didn't recognize him anymore? Signaling for Naruto and Shizuka to come near and sign up.

When Naruto got close they instantly recognized him due to his eyes.

Yo Kotetsu, Izumo how are you two doing?

Hey Naruto what's with the change man you look good on it though and who is the girl with you?

Thanks oh by the way this is my fiancée Shizuka chan Naruto said it with a smile when they we're done signing they walk the streets straight to the hokage tower arriving there just before team Ebisu reported for a successful mission. Naruto and Shizuka went in the proper way while their sensei use the window.

Yo! Hime we're back and don't be surprise if you see a girl with him, They will be knocking at your door anytime now. Then a knock came at the door Tsunade then gave the command to enter. As Naruto entered Tsunade was so shock, she was speechless for a moment. She tried to dispell a genjutsu but nothing happen that's when Tsunade realized that Naruto really change and in a good way at that. No more orange in his clothes, and also his behavior has change a lot.

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