Chapter 7

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12:50 PM

"For the foundational skill of heroics we'll study today... It was decided you'll be supervised by a three-man team compromising me, All Might, and somebody else." Aizawa explained.
"Sensei! What'll we be doing!?" Sero ask.
"Be the hero everyone needs, whether it's a flood or any other disaster. It's the trial of recue!!"
"Trial of rescue... Sounds a bit difficult this time around..." (Kaminari)
"Totally!" (Mina)
"C'mon, dumbass, that's what a hero whole job is!! I'm chomping at the bit!!" (Kirishima)
"If it's a flood, then that environment's my specialty. Ribbit Ribbit." (Tsuyu)
'i still can't get used when Asui-san say something then end it with the ribbit sounds...'
"Don't get ahead of yourselves. As i was saying, this time it's entirely up to each of you whether or not you wear your costume. Some of your costumes probably aren't adapted to the task at hand after all. The training area is fairly far away, so we'll get there by bus. That's all. Go get prepared."
After all of the students get out of the class, you began to walk to your costume and grab it, when you want to leave your teacher suddenly grab your arm.
"When you arrive in the training area, follow me."
"? I got it." After you said that, he walks out of the classroom.

ー・・ー・ー・・ー ・ー・・ ー・ー・¬

In the changing room, you grab your costumes and put it on, but this time you brought your katanas with you. You couldn't help but still have a bad feelings after yesterday, when the reporters broke in, and you also called by Aizawa, it doesn't seems right. This time, you're also wearing your kitsune mask. Then you got out from the changing room.
"Hm, Hm~" You heard Uraraka humming, maybe she's in a good mood today.
"How come you're in your gym clothes, Deku?"
"My costume got tattered during the battle training... The repairs are already being handled by the support company, so i'm just waiting for them." Then he pointed at his mask "As for this thing, i bought a new one."
"Hm? (y/n)-chan, if i remember before, you didn't wear that mask right?" Uraraka ask you.
"Yeah, when i use my costume for the battle trial, i forgot to bring my mask, so i didn't wear it." you nod your head.
"In order to get everyone seated smoothly on the bus, file innto two lines according to your numbers." Iida coordinate the class.

You're ended sit beside Todoroki in the bus, since you decide to close your eyes and listen to the others conversations.
"So it ended up being this kind of bus anyway!!!" Iida shout.
"There was no point, huh~" Mina says.
"Hey Midoriya, i always say what i think no matter what's on my mind."
"Ah!? Hi!? Asui!!"
"Call me Tsuyu. Your quirk reminds me of All Might's."
'Other person quirk, borrowed quirk, just got it... And the quirk's like All Might's..? He seems close with All Might too... There's big possibility if the quirk that borrowed to him is from All Might..'
"That s-s-so!? Haha, but mine isn't like..."
'...he's sucks at lying...'
"Wait up, Asui! All Might never gets hurt! That's where the likeness ends! I'm kinda jealous of that kind of simple enhancer type quirk though! There's a lot you cn do with one, and flashily too! My "hardening" power isn't bad for punch-ups, but i hate that it's just not that flashy." Kirishima says.
"Well i think it's an awesome quirk! Definitely a quirk that'll be of great use to a pro!" Midoriya defended.
" "Pros" huh~~ But you know, heroics has a lot about it that's more like popularity contest too, right!?"
"My navel laser is both flashy and strong enough for the pro level." Aoyama says.
"But it'd be bad if your stomach collapsed!" Mina say with giving Aoyama a pat at his left shoulder.
"If we're talking the double whammy of flashy and strong, you can't not mention Todoroki and Bakugou!"
"Tch!" you heard Bakugou clicking his tongue.
"Bakugou's always fuming, so he won't be very popular." Tsuyu quickly butt in.
"You bitch!! I'll be popular, too!!" You saw Bakugou already fuming.
"See?" Asui point her finger at Bakugou as if to show her point.
You saw Jirou ducked to the side to avoid Bakugou when he suddenly stand up.
Tap tap
Jirou turn her head to you after you taps her shoulder.
"Kyouka-san, do you want to sit here?" you pats the empty chair next to you.
"Thanks..." She said, then sit down at the empty chair you patted before.
After a few moments of silence Jirou suddenly speak.
"(y/n), that katana... where did you buy it?"
"This... was a present. I get it together with this mask." You said, then take off of your mask and show it to her.
"Can i borrow it?"
"I don't mind." you give the mask to her.
She accept the mask and inspecting it, you noticed the gleam of interest in her eyes, then she ask "Can i... try to wear it?"
"...? Sure..."
Then she wear the mask, after a while she take it off and give it back to you, "Thank you." she says then keep her gaze straight again, but you noticing that she keeps glancing at your katana, you sweat dropped at her action. Then, when you're going to give her the katana, but Aizawa cut you off.
"We're almost there. Settle down already..."
"YES SIR" The class answered.

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