3: Coincidence?

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kraang. kraang. kraang

"Eh?" I woke up turning off my alarm clock. "It's 7:00 already?" I paused for a second "Shit! I'm late!!" I stood up ran to my bathroom and washed my face. While I stormed out the bathroom I can see that Adam is still asleep on the futon. Oh yeah, I forgot. And I remembered that Madilyn locked my apartment door, I better install locks for the inside but setting that thought aside I tried opening the door knob and pushed the door.

The door opens and I hear swinging of the padlock outside. "Yes its open!" I happily exlaimed.

I turned to Adam who is still fast asleep, I poked his eye to wake him up "Oh Adam... wake up the door is open so you can leave and I have to go to school now!!" He covers his face with the blanket.

I removed the frickin blanket over his head and pushed him out of the futon.

"Oww!" He yelled feeling his head.

"You better go to your room now because I'm going to change." I placed my hands on my waist.

he sat up his eyes still shut and lazily stood up and walk towards the door, he stops. "Thanks." then walk towards his room.

I shut the door and began changing to my high school uniform. will I be using it in mini form? or a normal skirt? I dunno.

After I change into my uniform I quickly grabbed my things, before going out I closed all thr lights, unplug some appliances and head out. Not to forget my door. Click. now its locked.

Beep beep beeeep.
That's my dad calling me, if he makes a longer horn in the last beep it means I'm late and I made him late. He always brings me to school but I think he shouldn't worry about that now because I'll be using the train to go to school. Just you wait independence.

Me and my dad didn't chat the whole ride, maybe he's mad at me or something.

We finally reached the school gate I quickly opened the car door and ran towards the school grounds to avoid being seen riding my dad's car. As I was running I stop to rest for a bit I don't want to be stinky in my first day of school. I see girls wearing their skirts in a cute way above the knee or waaaay above the knee, and they wear long black above the knee socks and converee for shoes. what a cute way to wear the uniforms. But for me, I'm not sure if I can wear it like that. I have body problems especially on my legs.

"..." I scanned while walking through the lockers finding my own locker, I glanced at my locker number that the principal gave me. "Locker.. 06" I finally found my locker and unlocked it with my locker key and placed my 'outside shoes' in there then getting the 'indoor shoes'. I tap the tip of my shoes on the floor and head to my first period.

I went up the stairs and found the room '2-B" on the sign, I guess this is it! I inhaled and exhaled slowly as I slide the door open, there where a bunch of students introducing themselves to each other and others who already formed a group. I looked for a vacant seat and that seat is beside the door. A quick get a way. you know if things get ugly? you can just simply slide the door open and get the heck out of there.

I waited for 5 minutes before the bell rings and for the teacher to come in, I'm planning to make a new friend but I was not so fond about it already since I have been switching in a lot of schools lately.

5 minutes have past and the school bell rang everybody sat on their proper seats and waited for the teacher.

Alas, the teacher has arrived fixing his tie and his collar on his polo shirt.

He faces front and greeted the students good morning.

"Hello students! how was your summer vacation?" the teacher asked, while bringing out a green notebook.

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