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My eyes snapped open at the sound of a door being slammed shut. I opened my eyes and blinked to adjust to the light coming through the window beside me. I was disorientated as to where I was then everything came back as a lighting flash to me that I was not on a vacation but rather on a run for my life. Every hair on my body stood to attention and was on full alert mode. I ducked under the window and tried to locate the position from where the sound came. I popped my head till my eyes to see outside and saw two black SUV’s were parked. Shit. They found me.  But how? I left no traces as long as I remember and was definitely not followed by someone.

Now was not the time to think about that. Now was the time to think on how to escape. A shrill scream broke me out of my thoughts and I recognized it as the old lady’s. I was feeling very bad at the thought of the old lady getting hurt because of me. I gave no thought to it and dashed towards the door of the café and made my out of it.

I opened the driver’s side door of an SUV and hoped in. I started the car and put it in reverse gear and made my way out of the driveway and onto the main road. I saw in the rear view mirror more men getting in the car behind me and following me at full speed. They were constantly shooting at me. A loud bang and the back mirror shed to pieces. I dug out the phone from my pocket and dialed Jung kook’s number. He picked it up at the second ring and answered “Hello?” he smooth voice came through the phone. Tears pricked my eyes at his voice but I pushed them back and focused on driving.
“Jung kook they found me and they are following me” I answered. “How” I heard fear in his voice. “I don’t know. I am sure I left no traces behind and also the car broke down so I had to walk almost two miles on mountain road and I stopped at a small café on the mountain and the lady there allowed me to spend the night there and in the morning there were two black cars outside it. I don’t have any idea how they found me.” I answered back. “Do you have any weapon with you?” he asked. “I only have this phone and yeah I have a knife with me.” I answered. “Wait a second” saying this I tossed the phone on the passenger seat and turned the steering wheel to the right and slammed on the brakes this gave me a moment to speed off in the dust that formed from the brakes. I again resumed the call on the phone. “Sorry to leave you hanging. What were you saying?” I asked. “Where are you?” he asked. “I don’t know exactly but the café was 2 kilometers from Guaruja and the road I am currently at has barren land on both sides.” I informed. “Ok Y/n, listen to me carefully. Step on the gas and keep going in that direction after about half a kilometer there will be a forest on one side. Abandon the car on roadside and run into the woods and try to hide if possible or just run through the woods. I will be there in about 15 minutes. Understood?” he asked. “Yes understood” I said. I heard a click and the call ended.

I tossed the phone on the passenger seat and floored the gas pedal and the car shot forward. I checked the rear view mirror and now there were two black cars behind me closing in on me. “Shit” I muttered. After 5 minutes of driving I saw trees on the right side of the road. I increased the speed and the black cars were closing in on me.

When the woods became dense enough I slammed on the breaks which caused my pursuers to shot past me. I jumped out of the car with the phone clutched tightly in my hand and ran into the woods. I called Jung kook. He picked it up at the first ring. “Jung kook I am into the woods but they are still behind me and they are faster than me.” I said. “Just keep running forward I am almost there.” He replied. The men had machine guns and they were constantly firing bullets at me. They were ordered to bring me dead or alive, and they will not return empty-handed.

After a couple of minutes I saw a road and a car there and then I saw Jung kook. A wave of relief gushed through me. I ran at my full speed towards his car. He saw me coming, got out of the car and shot my pursuers. He opened the passenger seat and I sat in the car and we drove off from there. There were now more cars following us constantly firing from time to time. Jung kook was firing in return. The back glass of the car broke to pieces and I hid my head with my hands.
Jung kook tossed a gun in my lap I took it, composed myself and held it in both hands and started firing at the cars behind us while alternatively hiding behind the seat. Jung kook grinned at me and I asked “what are you smiling at?” these seats doesn’t really block the bullets, you know?” he replied showing me the holes in the seat and then the bullets shot in the dashboard of the car. I took several deep breaths and started firing again. As a car was closing in on me I took aim and shot at the driver and the bullet went in his throat and that car swiveled at the side, crashed into the divider and turned upside down.

Jung kook looked at it in the side view mirror and said “bull’s eye” while grinning from ear to ear. “Okay, now I am going to slow down and I want you to duck down when they come beside me.” he said. “I am not ducking down anywhere I can also shoot and that was a live example you just had there.” I said with a little anger.
“Okay, so brace yourself so that you don’t bang your head against the window.” He said. That left me shocked as what is he going to do? He slowed down right away and our pursuers soon came beside us and they were constantly shooting at us. As a reflex I ducked down to avoid getting shot. Jung kook cut the steering wheel to the left and our car banged with the one beside us. That sent them off guard and they stopped shooting, we took advantage of it and Jung kook again slammed into their car and I fired at the driver and the car went off road and turned upside down.

When I turned to look at Jung kook he had a smirk plastered on his face. I shot him a questioning look and he said “I told you to duck down but you didn’t listen. So if you don’t want to get killed just do as you’re told.” My anger boiled and I burst out saying “I stabbed a guy in the eyeball with a pen I'd kept hidden in my cunt for over a week. I shoved it so far into his fucking brain that he died instantly. And that was after I broke his arm like a twig. I did this because he was in the process of raping me. I put on his smelly boots--- and I stole a car, stopped for supplies, drove to fucking Guaruja, and walked several miles in the blazing heat, most of that distance either in the sand or uphill, without having any food or water. And then I stole a car right out from underneath the very men who were hunting me." I was getting a little worked up at this point. "And then--and then!--then I was nearly shot several times just now by those assholes back there. So I think at this point, JK, there isn't much that's going to faze me. Figure out how you want to ambush these fuckers, and I'll help you kill every single goddamn one of those pussies."

This outburst earned me a mixture of several expressions from hurt to anger to amusement all the way. He shot me a sympathetic glance and trained his eyes on the road again. I scoffed a little and looked away crossing my arms on my chest.
Jung kook put his hand on my shoulder and patted it in a way to comfort me and said “You did well and it was to save yourself, nothing to regret.” This did calm me down and I was glad for it or I would have burst out crying and I don’t want to cry now.

Here is the next chapter.
The chase is still on and they are not out of danger.
Stay tuned.
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