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After several minutes of silence he asked “are they still following us? Look several cars back.” I turned around and they were still behind us about half a mile back. “Yes, they are” I replied. “Roth’s men don’t give up. They keep coming until we kill them or they catch us.” “No shit. They don't dare go back to Roth without results to show him” I said. Jung kook glanced at me, his gaze sharp, and his voice soft. “No?”

I shook my head as I returned to my seat and buckled up. “No. They don't dare. He doesn't accept failure or excuses. You do what he tells you to do, or you die trying. If you show up and you haven't carried out his orders to the letter, he'll kill you. And you'll never even see it coming.” “How does he kill them?” he asked.

I blinked hard. “Knife to the ribs” I tapped two fingers over my heart. "He's got this switchblade, keeps it in his pocket. He'll just be talking, calm as anything. One second he's smiling, hands in his pockets, casual, the picture of understanding and congeniality. The next? That blade is between their ribs, and they're dead. He does it so fast, so easily. Doesn't even blink. I saw him do it at least six times in the four days I was his prisoner. He must pay those guys really well if they're willing to risk death any time they're in the room with him."

Changing the topic at hand he said “So now I just have to loose these men” “Do what you’d do if you were alone. Don’t worry about me.” I said. With this he turns the car in a left lane and the black cars behind us followed suit, but still quite far from us. He then turned the car into a narrow gravel road running parallel to the highway. He turned into a driveway and stopped the car. He rounded it and pulled out a black duffel bag out of the trunk and put it around his shoulder. The bag made a loud clanking sound as he did that.

We entered a backyard with long grasses and Jung kook put the bag at his feet and opened it after wiping off some sweat from his brow. As he opened the bag my mouth was hanging open at the stuff inside it. The bag was full of assault rifles, machine guns, handguns, pistols and other type of guns I didn’t know the names of.
He took out two handguns and put them in the vest he was wearing. Then he hauled an assault rifle on his shoulder and handed me one gun as well. He then took out four spare clips and handed them to me. “You can reload those, right?” he asked.
I showed him I could by ejecting the clip, checking it, and sliding it back in place, tapping it home with the hell of my palm--gently, contrary to popular silver-screen mythology. "Where do you want me?"

There were some drums scattered around the grass and he motioned me to hide behind one of them lying on my stomach. I got into my position and glanced up at Jung kook. "Well? Don't just stand there, doofus. Go find your own spot."

He shook his head at me, a smirk quirking the corner of his mouth. When he was gone I closed my eyes and let myself feel the fear. I was fucking terrified, to put it frankly. None of this was normal, even for me. I'd been through some shit in my life, but lying in wait, preparing to ambush men who were trying to kill me? It was new. And not fun.

I do not recommend it.
I was on my belly, pointing the gun through the gap between the barrels I was hiding behind. Soon enough a man came through the fence looking here and there to spot us but he couldn’t. Another man came behind him. They both had what will be a compact form of a machine gun. I was just aiming my gun ready to shoot whenever needed. I didn’t want to shoot too fast and ruin the ambush JK has set.

I will only shoot after Jung kook has started.

As if on cue three more men emerged behind the two before and a loud bang resonated from the walls and the fifth man fell to the ground. It all happened in a blink of an eye. Another BANG!! And the first man in the line fell to the ground. The remaining three went in three different directions. Taking my cue I aimed the gun on the third man’s torso and pulled the trigger. The man lurched forward a red spot forming in his stomach. Shit. I have to shoot him again. I aimed again for his forehead this time and shot again. This time the man fell down but the bullet didn’t go through his head but through his throat. The remaining two started firing randomly in all directions.

One round of bullets was shot near me and made me scream. One man spotted me and came near me with an evil grin on his face. As soon as he approached me another round of bullets came and the man in front of me fell to the ground and the bullets have totally embedded in his face. Gross. I felt bile rise in my throat and I puked all the nastiness out of my mouth. Jung kook came near the last man and pointed at his gun. He dropped it to the ground and lift up his hands in surrender. Jung kook asked him something to which he answered while his hands still above his head. Jung kook pointed his gun at his head and shot. He fell to the ground. Jung kook came towards me and helped me stand up.

“Okay?” Jung kook asked me. I shook my head and said “I’m fine.” Jung kook barked a laugh and said “Well that was clear as mud. I’ll ask again, Y/n. you good?” I closed my eyes and focused on breathing evenly. “Just get me out of here. Please?” Jung kook held my face in his hands and said “Look at me Y/n, you did great. They’re gone. We’re safe now.” “I shot him twice.” I retorted. “That is because he was going to kill you.” He soothed me. “There’s nothing wrong in that.” He further said.

He helped me keep my balance and checked the pockets of each men lying on the ground and took whatever they had, safety clips, money, pocket knife and other things and shoved it into his bag and slung it over his shoulder. The high waist grass was wet and crimson. I avoided looking at the bodies at my feet but the air had a strong stench of blood and sweat. Bile rose in my throat but I kept it down.
“Jung kook, does killing someone ever gets easier?” I asked. “It never gets easier, you just get used to it. I almost pissed myself the first time I killed an enemy. That was way before I worked for Mr. Wang.” He said not looking at me. “I puked.” I said. “Still better than me.” he said.

We reached the car; he put the bag in the trunk and got behind the wheel while I sat in the passenger seat. I looked behind me but found no black cars just a few highway cars were there. I heaved a sigh of relief.
We drove off onto the highway.

Sorry for not updating last time.
Happy jimin day to all of you.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Here's a double update for jimin birthday. Enjoy!
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