Chapter 2

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Sana's POV

I'm really in a bad mood since my father wants me to live alone but I don't want to it's boring living alone. I'm living with my family also with Yunseo since she's the only one who can put up with my mood swings. I'm also the reason why she's living with us since I overheard her and my fathers conversation when she's being interviewed.

She was very honest to my father that he grew a liking to Yunseo because of her straightforwardness but she also know when or when not to be straightforward. She talked to my father about her late fathers debt that they need to pay for 5 years, the debt collector was kind enough to not make them pay as soon as possible since they knew about the situation. She heard from her aunt and uncles about the salary of the company which is big enough to pay the debt of her father that's why she immediately applied for the job. 

My father was also asking about her school background and found out that she's taking Business so she knows some things but she's only a freshman so she informed my father that she may still lack something but she's willing to do her best. She's also going to the school where my father is founding and said that he'll take care of her tuition fee as long as she'll work hard. 

Since then Yunseo have been my fathers secretary and assistant since she knows how to handle the business, even my father is amazed as to how great her mind works that he makes me take over his position for the reason that Yunseo will guide all throughout. She did, she's working on the shadow and she does the paper works while I just sign what is needed to be signed. 

The reason why she's living with us, the University she's attending to is closer to our house than hers that's why I take it to my advantage of her living with us so I can spend more time with her but every time we head home she'll just wash up, rest for a bit, and then go to school afterwards. I can never do that and it's so amazing how she can stay up to her class while doing her job. 

My father is calling me again so to end my annoyance I answered him now. "Yes? Father? If you'll ask me again to live independently by myself you know my answer already." I firmly said and my father just laugh at me "Sana, darling, What I really want to say is that you can live by yourself now without me and your mom, basically we are giving you a space of your own and guess what?" My father ask

I just sigh in frustration since he's making me guess something "I don't know, what is it Father" he's making a drumroll sounds as if it'll make the situation better "You'll be living with Yunseo somewhere close to her University which is 17 minutes walk from the apartment to her University!!!" He exclaimed and I just smile wildly but I still need to pretend I don't like it. 

"Fine, if that's what you want but I'm telling you I'm doing this because you want me to not because I want to." I clarified and he just laughs at me while I end the call so I can tell Yunseo, I open the blinds but she's not there. I step outside of my office maybe she's just doing somewhere inside her office but she's really not in here. 

Is she sick? maybe she was asking for leave when she was knocking earlier... what if she's kidnapped? I'll strangle the securities to death if ever that happens. I quickly call for her and she still calls me Ms. Minatozaki, I don't like it at all. I ended the call since she don't want to eat lunch with me, tsh then don't I don't need her anymore. She can be kidnapped and I won't care, she's so mean. 

I heard the elevator ding and I know it's Yunseo but I didn't expect this two to be with her too. They clearly said that they're gonna do something and it'll make me feel like a liar to Yunseo I glared at the both of them while they just smile. Yunseo is now done cutting my steak that I really was craving earlier then she takes her leave to eat. Mina invited her but she decline as fast as lightning. 

"Yah! You two! I thought you both have something to do!" I snapped back to them while they just laugh.  "Surprise?/Surprise!" both of them said with different tone and I just face palm. "I just made myself a fool and a liar because of the two of you. I swear to strangle you both when I have time to do so!" I said as we eat and now we're catching up to the activities we're doing this week and the activities we'll do. 

Our two more friends will be flying here and will stay for one week with us to spend time together since we have a lot catch up. I texted Yunseo to go up once she's finished eating since she seems to talk something important with me awhile ago based on how she knocks earlier. The two is still eating so I tidied up my mess and put it on the plastic bag. 

"I'll be heading inside first, Mina-yah can you tell Yunseo to go inside to bring the documents I need to sign please" Mina nodded and I gave her a thumbs up. I brush my teeth and scroll through social media, minutes later I hear a knock and told her to come in. Yunseo is carrying lots of documents. 

She then explain what is the documents all about, the papers I need to sign she tells me the pros and cons of it, while I just listen carefully to decide whether it'll be good or bad. Once we're done about the business related stuffs she was about to go out when I stop her. 

"You were knocking earlier in the morning, right?" I ask and she just nod "It seems so important what is it all about?" I continued to ask and she may seem to think back what she was gonna ask for that moment. "Oh right, I was gonna ask for a one week leave two months from now on Ms. Minatozaki since it'll be my birthday and I want to spend it with my family if its fine with you. I can shorten my leave for one day if you're not fine with it." She said while I smile. 

"Of course you may take a leave, You've spent few years of your birthday with us so it's fine. I approve your one week vacation leave." I said while she just nod "I'm gonna make a letter first Ms. Minatozaki then you can just approve it there so we have a copy. Mr. Minatozaki might ask for a copy of my leave." she said while bowing  after getting the documents and leaving my office. 

My two friends then came minutes after Yunseo leave they were all smiles and I just know they're being crazy at this point since it's not their usual happy face. "Spill what is it?" I ask while looking at the interns application. "I've been meaning to ask you this question Sana, so this is my long-awaited question for you... Do you perhaps like Yunseo?" I thought of Momo's question for a long that I start to question myself too Do I like Yunseo? That's also a question I ask myself from the very start... 


[COMPLETED] Bipolar II Minatozaki Sana X Reader (Female) IIWhere stories live. Discover now