When this world abandoned me on the dark Labrinth I found myself hugging the lamenting sky of my mind . Maybe I have let everyone around me down by being this way but I can't help it . I am not this person but I feel and I do things I am not supposed to do. Like right now , sitting on the couch writing letters that I am never going to send to Sam even though we meet each other every now and then yet I feel like I am going to lose him . It's so stupid to feel that way. We pretend to know each other very well but we don't. I don't know why we want to pretend. I do love him and I know he loves me too but something is there in that void which we don't fill in . Maybe we are too afraid or maybe we need more courage to let it go. He is someone who helps me escape from the nightmare and I can't thank heaven enough for it.
It's okay to not be okay and hearing that feels much better. I'm good at hiding and nobody really knows how I actually feel. Yet, my brother and Sam have been a driving force in my life that make me smile when I don't feel like it.