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Narrator POV
Theater Room

Here we can see alot of chairs infront of some kind of cinema while the lights are off and just then in the front
of the theater a person can be seen sitting on a chair peacefully while drinking tea

The person then looks up

???:Oh,your here great to see you.

He smiled at no one

???:Want some tea?

He then cleared his throat

???:Forgive me for not introducing myself first

He made the tea he was drinking disappear then stood up and bowed

???:My name is Fall and i am the author

he stand straight and smiled with his eyes close

Fall:It is an honor to meet you

He fixed his glasses and made the chair he was sitting on dissappear
and clapped his hands together

Fall:Well then,Shall we begin?

He waited for an answer but nothing came nonetheless he still nodded
and smiled

Fall:Alright,i shall bring them in

He snapped his fingers then a bright light covered all of the theater room

Then Multiple persons can be seen sitting on the chairs

All of them exclaimed in surprised


Issei:Where the f#ck are we??

Zack:Mira! Daniel! are you two ok??

Mira:We're fine

Yang:Ruby!,are you ok??


Shigaraki:Kurogiri did you...?

Kurogiri:i did no such thing Tomura

Dabi:Then who...?

Izuku:It's the league of villains!

The Hero casts of MHA exclaimed in surprise and stood up to their chairs and does their fighting styles

and the villains doing the same

While the weak hero casts were confused aswell then saw the author standing there with his hands behind with his eyes covering because of his hair

And the wakfu cast has their own problem


Nox:Well well well i didn't expect to see you all this soon

The unordinary casts was just looking at eachothers in confusion while looking at the other's who's with them

The miraculous Casts were sitting their not daring to move because of the aura around them especially at the front

Then bakugo and deku tries to activate their Quirks but nothing happened

Izuku/Bakugou:What!?/THE HELL!?

And dally hits rubilax/his dagger on the ground to activate it but nothing happened making rubilax confused with dally doing the same

while yugo tries to teleport with notging coming out

To the DxD cast was looking at their own enemies


She said with Venom

Riser:Riser did not think that i would meet my bride earlier than i thought

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