Just your ordinary speedster

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"Are we all rea-" Fall was gutted off by Bakugo


"Sheesh Bakugo,no need to get your panties in a bunch" M/N said with his arms crossed having a smirk plastered on his face

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!? I OUGHTA" He was gonna make his way to M/N but was stopped by Aizawa's Capture scarf

"Sit down" Aizawa said pulling him back down on the chair

Some of the audience couldn't help but snicker as the screen lit open

To see

M/N and John having a stare off with Arlo along with two individuals

"Yeah! Finally! It's our universe!" Said an excited John

"Sit down, will you?" Seraphina said facepalming

While Arlo grinned "Well this is interesting"

"Hey...what are we doing here?" John asked as Arlo smirked as a barrier surrounded John gaining a surprised look from the two males

"What the hell Arlo!?" M/N said
But the girl suddenly dashed to him
as a claw has formed in her hands and goes for a slash in his chest

But M/N jumped back to evade,as the barrier around John started to get smaller

"Hm...quite a semblance you have there" Cinder commented as Arlo's grin grew wide

"Of course,I'm the king after all"
Almost all of the Unordinary cast glared at him

"A hierarchy? Interesting" Ozpin sipping his cup of coffee

"Do you wonder why on how your phone broke? John?" Arlo said turning to him with his arms crossed while M/N was currently occupied with the girl

"W-What?" He managed to answer
but he was still struggling on Arlo's Barrier

"It's because i ordered these two to do it! They're ventus and Melli!"

"Aaand M/N" He turned to the H/C boy while he turned his gaze to the blonde but Melli saw this as a chance as she slashed his chest earning a pained gasp from him

He falls down to the ground as Arlo started to speak while the girl came back to Arlo while Ventus stands there beside Arlo

"I was the one that brought your precious sister in suspension!" M/N's eyes widen as anger started to grow

Most of the audience gasped

"What a despicable child" Inko commented with her hand over her mouth

"This tells me that you're better as a villain" Shigaraki said scratching his neck

Arlo started to laugh along with the two as M/N stands up with his hand on his chest "you think this is funny huh? Just wait till i beat your ass"

"Oh? You're welcome to try" Arlo said making the barrier around John even smaller while M/N smirked earning a questioning look from Arlo

"I'll gladly do so" He said getting into a running stance while Arlo ordered Melli to finish the job as she dashed at M/N at full speed
as she outstretched her hand and aimed for his head

Most of the audience closed their eyes as some said at the screen for him to move away while the others looked on with anticipation

M/N suddenly disappeared on her vision earning a surprised look but it turned into a pained one "I don't normally hit girls,but you make an exception" M/N's voice said beside her as his fists were on her stomach
as he was glaring at Arlo

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