The Arachnid and the Bug

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Narrator POV

After Fall bowed he looked up to see them with an amazed look except for every antagonist present

Fall:And i know your going to ask:"What are we gonna watch"
Well like i said we're not going to watch a movie we're going to be watching your universe involving one particular person

Yang:Wait wait wait what do you mean our universe?

Fall:Well a multiverse to be exact


Ren:A multiverse nora

Nora:Oh..that still doesn't explain what it is

Fall chuckled

Fall:Well let me explain Multiverse is a hypothetical collection of potentially diverse observable universes, each of which would comprise everything that is experimentally accessible by a connected community of observers. The observable known universe, which is accessible to telescopes, is about 90 billion light-years across

Some understood his explanation well some of themwas still confused

Fall:In short it's a universe where different types of you existed in a world

The one's who didn't understood first nodded

Ozpin:You mean to say that we are here to watch our other selves from different universes


Zeoticus:Well,this certainly caught my interest

Lord phenex:I aswell

Adrien:I kinda sense a "But" here

Fall smiled making adrien correct

Fall:Buut...there is a person that didn't exist in your universe but in other multiverses

Weiss:But,wait your meaning to say that we are the originals where this person didn't exist while in the other universe he exists? isn't he supposed to exist on our universe?

Fall:you are very smart Ms.Schnee

Weiss:Finally someone recognized my Genius intellect!

Fall:Well with what Ms.schnee just asked even i do not know the answer

AFO:Then how did he exist

Fall:Like i said i don't know the answer.The multiverse is a mysterious thing that my ancestors always question themselves on how it works and how does it increase it's worlds?

I stepped forward a bit

Fall:We are still trying to find the answer and because of this...

He held out his hand and appeared a Chibi Ruby toy with a big cookie on her hand

Fall:It made us have power that let's us make anything possible-

And before he can continue a red blur suddenly passed by him and he looked back to see Ruby Squealing at her toy version making Fall chuckle

And ruby looked back at him with an excited look

Ruby:Can i keep it? please please please pleeaaassee?

He gave me the puppy eyes that no man can resist...i think

Fall smiled and patted her head

Fall:Ofcourse you can and..

He made another toy versions of all of the casts of RWBY except for the villains with the exception of Neo making ruby squeal in excitement and used her semblance to go back to her friends

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