【𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟱】

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   Rainbow wiped her tears away, she was finished crying after a good 5 minutes. She was surprised her friends didn't come looking for her. Then again, she didn't want them to. She wanted to be alone.

   Although, she should be looking for Applejack. Now it's gonna take longer. But she had to let her emotions out, she couldn't hold them. She couldn't even think about the fact that she's all alone with no help. Instead, it made her feel even worst. If only Applejack didn't make them split up. She wasn't saying it was her fault, she just didn't like how she made them split up. She never wanted to split up in the first. She already had that bad feeling in her when she suggested that. She hoped Applejack would be able to stay strong while she's out there by herself. 

   Applejack is innocent. Way to innocent to be out here in this forest that was way bigger than she was. Don't you know how small that girl is? Rainbow just couldn't take the fact she was out here somewhere in these woods by herself.


She jumped slightly when she heard that her name was called. She looked around and saw Fluttershy sitting right beside her.

"Oh..Hey Fluttershy." Rainbow said, avoiding eye contact with Fluttershy.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah..I'm good." Rainbow answered causally, "Where are the others?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, They're out looking for Applejack. I told them I was gonna come and check on you." Fluttershy said.

"Oh." Is all Rainbow said. She still didn't looking at Fluttershy. Not even once. Neither of them said anything to each other after that. Fluttershy was thinking of what else to say to Rainbow Dash. While Rainbow Dash on the other hand, had nothing on her mind. 

"Hey Rainbow? Do you mind if...You tell me what is it that makes you feel the way you feel about Applejack?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow scoffed.

"Fluttershy. For the last time, I do not like that girl. Okay? I love her as a best friend and that's that." Rainbow said.

"That what I was talking about. I wasn't saying that because I think you like her, I was asking how you feel about her in a best friend way." Fluttershy said.

"Oooh. Yeah..Sorry Fluttershy." Rainbow said with a chuckle.

"It's all good." Fluttershy replied.

"Well...It's kinda simple...Herself." Rainbow answered, she smiled slightly afterwords.

"Be specific Rainbow." Fluttershy said. Rainbow took her eyes off of Fluttershy. She could feel that her light pink haired friend was smiling whilst waiting patiently for her to answer. She suddenly smiled a little harder and let out a small laugh that only lasted for 1 second. 

"Well..I mean...She's nice. I also love how she's very honest with me, she's also a great person to talk to you if your ever stressed out or anything. I could talk to her about anything without being embarrassed because I trust her. Her sense of humor is just...one of the best things about her." Rainbow said. But her explanation wasn't done just yet.

"Anndd?" Fluttershy said, eager to know more. Rainbow smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Fine," Rainbow said. "She's funny, genuine, caring. I could literally describe her all day. She's filled with so much joy. She's also one of the first people I would go to for advice about anything. I've never met someone that was so loving and caring towards me and other people." Rainbow said. She suddenly got into thoughts and remembered something. Which caused her to let out a loving and delightful laugh.

"I remember the very first time I saw her. Ya'll just kept calling it 'love at first sight of hair'." Rainbow chuckled, so did Fluttershy. Rainbow sighed in content. She went back in her thoughts, thinking about something specific. She looked around to see if anybody else was around. Then she sighed.

"Fluttershy. Um..I kinda...Have to tell you something. But...Do you promise not to tell the others?" Rainbow said, sounding a bit nervous. Fluttershy kinda had a feeling of what she was finally gonna say.

Fluttershy smiled, "My lips are sealed." Fluttershy said. Rainbow sighed once again and shook her head. She couldn't believe she was admitting this. 

"Well...Turns out.." Rainbow trailed off. This whole softy business was Applejack's fault. She definitely didn't wanna be sappy or a softy. I mean, she already knew she was as soon as she met Applejack, but it just didn't bother her as much until now.

   Why is that you may ask? You all know Rainbow Dash, she isn't into romance like Rarity. She doesn't hate it, romance is just weird to her.

   So Rainbow took another deep breath and had the courage to continue her sentence, "After everything I had just told you, I realized that it was true. I..." Rainbow trailed off again. Rainbow sighed once again and blurted out: 

"I like Applejack."

   As soon as those words came out of Rainbow's mouth, Fluttershy immediately smiled.

"Took you long enough." Fluttershy said. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Yeah whatever. I didn't even wanna tell you, you lucky I did." Rainbow smirked slightly, "If you tell the others, you're gonna get it." Rainbow said, glaring at Fluttershy. Fluttershy's eyes widened in fear as she nodded.

"Okay..I-I promise I won't tell the others." Fluttershy said. Rainbow laughed, then she gave Fluttershy a hug. Which meant a thank you and a apology. 

"Good. Thanks Fluttershy." Rainbow said with a smile.

"But..Were you serious?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Duh. What makes you I was playing?" Rainbow said. Fluttershy giggled.

"I was just asking." Fluttershy said with a smile. "Now come on, we need to help the others look for Applejack." Fluttershy said. They both got up and continued to walk, but Rainbow stopped walking. Which made Fluttershy stop.

"So..How do we know where they are exactly?" Rainbow asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

"They told which way they were going before I left to find you." Fluttershy answered, "Just follow my lead."

𝐀𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝...
𝟏:𝟑𝟎 𝐩𝐦.

"Okay..we just need to figure out how we're gonna get to where our friends are." 

   Everyone was currently in thoughts. Trying to figure out how they were gonna get to where their friends were. Besides swimming. Because it would be a lot of work if they did. But if they can't find any other way than...they were gonna have to.

"Ughh! I can't think of anything!!" Pinkie panicked. 

"Calm down Pinkie. Just keep thinking." Bonbon said. 

Another minute had passed. Nobody had anything, not one thing. 

Twilight sighed, "Girls...There's only one option left.." Twilight said. 

"Don't even remind me. We all already know." Sunset said. 

"But what about the people who can't swim?" Bonbon asked.

"Then they'll just be getting on the people who can swim backs. Then again, I'm pretty sure all of us can swim, correct?" Twilight said, Everyone nodded. Twilight smiled.

"Alright. Well let's go, we got a lot of swimming to do."

To be continued...

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