Shower (Rush X Young)

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Colonel Young had been looking for Dr. Rush all day but somehow they had managed to miss each other all day. That or Rush was avoiding him. And if he were honest with himself he knew it to be the latter.

That was until he caught a glimpse of the other man scurrying down the hallway pass the mess hall. As quickly as he could Young slipped past the people and into the hallway after him. Young called his name a couple times but got no response. Rush was ignoring him. He picked up into a light jog to catch up with the other man who was surprisingly moving rather quickly.

"Rush. Eli was telling me he thinks he's figured out a way to dial earth and -"

"Ive already told your colonel. We can not risk earth. It's simply impossible." Rush huffed.

"I just figured it was worth a try. You and I could at least run over the numbers."

Rush turned and Young followed him the shower room. "No. I know it won't work. That's a waste of my time." He shrugged off his vest and then start to untuck his shirts.

"At least hear me out. It won't take long."

He pulled the shirts over his head and tossed them on the ground with his vest "Ok, but I'm going to shower." He replied, giving in, before starting on his belt buckle.

Young found his eyes drawn to the man's rough hands working so delicately. Undoing his pants to reveal where the small trail of hair from his stomach lead to.

Rush coughed quietly. Young's eye shot back up to his face. He felt the heat as he made eye contact. He heard Rush shove his pants down still staring him down. "Am I distracting you colonel?"

Young cleared his throat, trying look Rush in the eye. "No."

Rush walked over to the shower, now completely naked. He turned it on and stepped in. "The way I see it, you have three options. 1. You can leave and we can continue to pretend I don't notice you staring. 2. You can continue to ask pointless questions and waste your own time. 3. You can join me."

Silence. Not a sound except the shower and Young's loudly beating heart. Rush glanced at him sideways and before he knew it he was taking off his own cloths and following the other man into the mist.

Rush shoved him against the wall and kissed him aggressively. He had always imagined Rush being softer. He wasn't sure why. The doctor had always been rough with him he thought, recalling that day on the desert planet.

He kissed back. His hands sliding down the slender frame to the other mans hips. Pulling them flush together and grinding. Rush dipped down to his neck and bit hard. He struggled to hold back a yelp. The walls here were thick but the showers were right off a highly trafficked hallway.

"Should we be doing this here?"

Rush snaked a hand between them, taking both of their cocks in his hand. "I locked the door on our way in." He began slow calculated strokes, still nibbling and licking at Young's neck.

He had locked the door. Did Rush plan this? He wondered, eyes drifting over to the door.

Rush's other hand grabbed him by his face bringing his full attention back to the present.

"Eyes on me soldier."

The strokes started to become faster and now Everett couldn't help but focus on Rush. His warm rough hands, his intense gaze. He was good at this. Calculating. As always.

He leaned forwards going in for another kiss but Rush's grip on his face tightened and pushed him away. "You aren't in charge here"

Young let a moan slip. He didn't even know he was into being controlled but now he couldn't even control himself. "I'm going to cum." His voice came out soft.

"Don't you fucking dare." Rush growled

He immediately went to grab Rush's hand and stop the stimulation, but Rush was quick to drop his face and grab his wrist in return. Pinning it against the shower wall next to him. "I told you once. You aren't in charge here."

The colonel felt himself melt. He could hear himself making obscene noises and he was helpless to stop any of it. An 'I'm sorry' was all he could get out.

As soon as he regained his composure he looked back at Rush who was looking back at him. "You better get your cloths on and run back down to mess. I'm sure Eli is starting to wonder where you are and I don't want him looking."

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