Get Some Sleep (Rush/Young)

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"Colonel!" Eli called casing after Young down the hall way. "I've been looking all over for you." Eli was slightly out of breath from chasing after the older man.

"What is the problem Eli." He couldn't help but notice the Colonel sounded especially tied and irritated, but this was important.

"It's Rush. He has barely left the bridge all week. He hasn't slept in al least that long."

"Yes. I know Eli."

"I'm just concerned for him, and also the ship. Ya, know?"

"Yes. I know. That's where I heading now."

"Oh. Okay." Eli relaxed, and stopped trying to keep up with Young's pace, falling behind him as they both headed to the bridge.


Eli walked in to the bridge to find Rush still sitting at the main console, and ignoring Young who was standing next to him talking. Also, dr. Brody and Chloe, both sitting at their own consoles, trying not to get distracted by the conversation.

"Can you please just sleep Nicholas?" Young asked. When was the last time Eli heard someone call Rush by his first name. It was before straits, Amanda Perry.

"I'm working."

"I'm not leaving without you." The Colonel persisted.

"You may sleep on the floor if you like. Just don't be disruptive to me or my team." Rush told him looking to his notebook then back to the screen before him.

"Fine." Young looked around the room until his eyes landed on a book that had been left on the table. He walked over and picked it up and then came back to Rush. "Get up."

Rush looked up at him with a glare. "Really?"

"Yeah. If you are going to be a pain, so am I." Rush huffed out a breath but stood up, and Young took his spot. He leaned back, spreading his legs open. Then Rush sat back down between Young's legs, and resumed his work. Young opened his book and started reading.

Eli choked back a gasp, and watched as Chloe and Brody did the same.


Eli walked out of his room the next morning, heading directly for the bridge. He need to know what happened last night after his shift ended.

He stepped into the bridge. Volker immediately turned in his seat and put his finger to his lips. Eli looked at him for a moment in confusion, but continued to walked toward Volker. Quietly though.

Volker pointed to the captains chair. Eli looked over to find Rush and Young in the same place they were last night. Only Rush was leaning back against Young. The larger mans arms wrapped around his waist. They were both asleep.

As weird as it was, he was sure they both needed the sleep. Plus what would he say if he woke them up, 'Sorry bosses, but you can't cuddle here. That's weird."?

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