❤︎Chapter Two:Lunch❤︎

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Todoroki POV:
I walked behind Midoriya, dragging my $200 shoes right beind me.I was so shocked to see what happened, not only that, we are having a kettle at school.

"M-Midoriya" I said, wow, did I just stutter?

"What?" said Midoriya

"Can I at least sit by you at Lunch, Please?" I said

"No!" said Midoriya as he ran away, I looked down at my shoes which had dents in them

I can't believe that Midoriya just left me like that, did he forget what was for lunch sense Bakugou announced it? He probably did.... What if he didn't and he really hates me? No! He don't hate me, he is running away because he is embarrassed that I have a crush on him and that we like me back so he need to process it all, yeah that why.

Narrator POV:
Todoroki caught up with Midoriya, they both walked into the classroom greeted with stares

"Shoto Todoroki, you can't threaten no body like that, do it again--" said Aizawa but was interrupted

"What are you going to do? Kick me out? I don't care about this school anyway, and plus Bakugou was the one who were bullying Midoriya" said Todoroki "And also he made fun of me first so I said what will hopefully come true"

"Shoto that is very bad behavior, and if you don't care about the school why are you in it" asked Aizawa

"Because of the old man who helped my mother birth me" said Todoroki

"Oh yeah..." said Aizawa "Just don't do it again and I you are going to say something rude don't let it be about killing"

"Whatever" said Todoroki

"Anyways, class flip your pages to 107, and Midoriya is going to read" said Aizawa

Todoroki was happy to hear Midoriya sweet voice, it filled him up with pleasure, he quickly flipped to page 107 in their science books and skimmed through the words Midoriya was young to be reading, Todoroki was pleased

"Uh....do I have to...?" asked Midoriya

"Yes", said Aizawa

"Ok..um..", Midoriya started to speak, "Page 107, how human body functions, how to produce offsprings; first, you have a male and it's p-pe...oh god help me, a Male who it's penis, then you have a woman with he v-v-vagiana"

"Hurry up asshole I don't have all day", said Bakugou snickering

"well I do~.." whispered Todoroki

"I'm sorry Kacchan Gosh!!" said Midoriya "The male inserts his penis inside the woman vagiana and thrusts, soon sperm come--"

"I thought the penis how inside the butt-" said Kaminari but was interrupted by Jirou

"No one asked" said Jirou, "coutinue Midoriya"

"Sperm comes out the penis and goes into the woman vagiana making a egg inside her" finished Midoriya

"Great job Midoriya, know, this week project is going to be about making babies, don't ask me why just ask God why, anyway, the project will have 2 each and those two will have to describe the process of human body systems" said Aizawa "Y'all can pick yourselfs since you all are old an mature enough, I'm going to sleep"

The students got up searching for who to work with

"Midoriya, I know you are mad at me at the moment..but may I please sit by you at lunch today??" begged Todoroki

"If Deku-Kun don't wahg to sit by you he don't have to!!" said Uraraka

"I'm asking Midoriya, not a whore" said Todoroki

"That's not necessary Todoroki!!" said Midoriya, grabbing Uraraka han an leaving the class, Todoroki wa left with his blood boiling inside him, ready to attack Uraraka

"Wanna be my partner Todo?" said Aoyama

"Aoyama?? We never spoken, why are you wanting to be my partner" asked Todoroki suspiciously

"Becauseeee, I know what happened with you and Midoriya earlier an im the only one that can help you" said Aoyama

"Really? What-" asked Todoroki but getting cut off

"Not interested" said Yaoyorozu

Yaoyorozu dragged Todoroki to a corner, making it obvious that he is her partner

💟Time Skp: Lunch💟

Todoroki, shaked as the bell for lunch ringed, he zoned out, for the first time in his teenage Years, he was scared

"Hey icyhot, time for lunchhhh", said Bakugou "Here buddy, I'll help you out the classroom"

Midoriya overheard this and remember what was for lunch, before he knew it, Todoroki already walked out th class

"Let him be Deku-Kun!" said Uraraka

"No!" Midoriya ran out the classroom and heading to the lunch area, no Todoroki, where was he???

Todoroki POV:
I'm on top of the roof, looking at my lunch as I'm sitting alone like the first few months of school, until I me him...Izuku

I can't help myself with him, I need to ses him, God fuck it

I packed up my lunch I was eating an went downstairs to see my beloved Midoriya, who seemed he was looking for something, then he looked at me, his eyes  got bigger as he ran towards me, was this heaven? Was he coming to hug me and apologize even though I did everything wrong

"Kacchan Stop!!!" Midoriya said

I'm not Bakugou, at the corner of my right eye saw it...an kettle... I quickly turned around and saw Bakugou had it in his hand

"What's the matter IcyHot? Scared??" asked Bakugou holding it up closer, I paniced and out of spite, I grabbed one of my chop sticks that was for my noodles an did it....

I stabbed Bakugou in the stomach...

The timing went by very slow....I felt pleasure, wonderful, and very good, I saw Bakugou frightening face as blood was spilling out his stomach.....blood

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