❤︎︎Chapter 3:Suspenison?❤︎︎

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🗿Sorry it took 2 years to update 🤣🗿

Narrator POV
Suddenly a loud roar from Aizawa was heard ,


Todoroki froze, it took another roar from his teacher to obey what he was told . Walking to the principal office, he could feel his eyes watering , not from feeling bad? But from not blinking and feeling a wave of happiness wash over him .

He went into the principal office, Nezu was aware of the situation.

"..so why did you do it ?" Asked the mouse creature

"I-I...um..he was just mean" Todoroki incoherently spoke . He knew he was going to the principal office, but he didn't make up an excuse.

"... automatically suspended for 2 months, if the parents press charges than expelled." The principal spoke in a stern matter "get out of my office"

Todoroki got up, he went to his classroom and achieve his items and went home, it was only 11:54 AM.

He looked at his phone and saw he had a lot of messages. He first look at Midoriya contact but Midoriya didn't send him nothing, that stung Todorokis heart . Instead he received messages from Bakugou, Yaoyorozu , Uraraka , and His father.

Bakugou messages were threatening, saying how that weak stabbing didn't affect him and asking Todoroki to fight him, mostly about how he would actually kill Todoroki

Now Yaoyorozu messages were soothing but disgusted Todoroki, saying how Bakugou deserved it and how she will come over Todorokis later and soothe him.

Uraraka messages were threatening also which shock Todoroki, wasn't she suppose to be his 'friend', Uraraka sent him messages asking why would he do that to Bakugou and how Bakugou is going to kill him and she is going to dance on his (Todoroki) grave .

His father messages were telling Todoroki he is a disgrace and other things but he didn't care.

All Todoroki wanted was for Midoriya to text him.

He finally got his wish

Future Husbo ♥️ :
Hey Todoroki, I apologize for what Kacchan was doing, he was really aggravating.... also I want to apologize for being rude to you this morning , may I come over later ?? Or you can come over my house , idmm☺️😁!!

Todoroki smiled


I would  love to come over your house . And we see if I accept your apology, you really hurt me from not believing me, and having Uraraka talk to me like that. Not to mention, Uraraka texted me some hurtful things...
I just wanted to protect me and you from Bakugou, and all my friends are being mean to me....

Of course Todoroki obviously accepted Midoriya apology, even though Todoroki lied to him. But he just wanted Midoriya to feel bad for going against what he said , suddenly he heard a ding , singling that Midoriya texted him back
Future Husbo♥️:
I'm very sorry, and I'll get Uraraka for doing that to you, you can come over to my house 30 minutes after school end .

Ok, I'll be there, n btw, I am suspended for 2 months but if Bakugou press charges I'll be expelled...maybe if someone tell the principal what he was doing I'll be able to come back sooner.
Sadly, I stuttered on my words, only saying he was being mean, but since all my friends are being rude to me, I'll wait out the 2 months ☹️

Future Husbo♥️:
I'll tell the principal!!! And I'm sorry Todoroki !! I'll do anything for you to forgive me ☹️☹️☹️
That's when it clicked in Todoroki, he can easily have a make out session with Midoriya. Midoriya is a easy person to gaslight , so he'll just say he is confused with his sexuality, maybe he can have sex with Midoriya tonight also, since it's only Thursday , he can spend the night and ignore everybody and be in his lovers room !! Todoroki eagerly texted back

Anything ?

Future Husbo♥️:
Yes !!! No matter how embarrassing or crazy it'll be !!

Well...I'm having a little trouble in finding out what is my sexuality. I don't know if I'm straight, gay , or both ..or even pansexual or genderfluid .
Basically what I'm asking is for tonight, can you help me find out..by kissing ??

Future Husbo♥️:
Oh...ofc, ig, I would love to help...🙃🙃

It's ok if you don't want to....since Aoyama was the only one that was actually my friend today I can ask him

Future Husbo♥️:
No I can help!!! I am your friend!!! Best friend !!! I wanna help you find out

So tonight??

Future Husbo♥️:

Alright then, it's settled , goodbye

Future Husbo♥️:

Todoroki smiled, then he laughed, he was going to get what he wanted for a long time. Todoroki knew that he was gay , but why not make out with his sexy soon to be husband now??

🗿The end !! Sorry it took long to update !! I'll make sure next chapter is longer n better. Suggest sum things so I can add into the chapter !! K love yall bye 😘

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