Time Jump

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3 months Later

I have been trying to learn as much as I can about the Black mask Group. Unfortunately I know far less then I would like... I know there leader wears the twin mask to my own... its powers appear to be opposite of my own... while my hands heals and purify, his appear to corrupt and destroy... I shoot beams of light which blind and pacify but do not kill while his are dark and destructive... Other then that our powers seem to be the same.... although the nature of his corrupting beams alludes me.... as it would almost appear anything he corrupts becomes more powerful and destructive....but not only that... his corruption also seems to manipulate there mind... as if they are just his puppets... almost like zombies... however this isn't always the case As some of his goons bare the resemblance of corruption but have free thoughts.... perhaps he can choose to let them have free will or not... 

His power didn't just come the mask either... it appeared his organization was powerful in its own right. For all I knew he had members in ever corner of the law enforcement. Every Case brought to court against someone believed to be a member is just swept under the rug in a matter of days... Not to mention no one apparently ever sees anything at the heists... many people were documented looking at them on video camera but none of them apparently saw anything.... some even sympathize with him.... he would almost fall under the radar had his group not pissed off the insurance companies banks and jewelry stores... however even with that much money bein g thrown at the investigation it seems to go nowhere at all.... no one knows who he is or the girl he is always with..... 

As I sat at my desk thinking I was suddenly awoken from my thoughts when I heard the sound of someone banging at my door. I opened it to see Marcus sweating profusely and filled with fear. "what happened?" I said letting him in and checking if he was followed which it did not appear he was. "I met him.... The black mask" Marcus said with an unshakable fear in his voice. "HOW! did he follow you!?" I asked "I don't think so... I ran so fast..." Marcus said catching his breath "What happened?" I asked starting to relax more "I was heading home when I saw him.... His rippling muscles showed through his black suite.... his midnight hair... his pale transparent skin....his cold gaze felt like it was going to pierce my heart.... and the mask... A black stone mask with marbled gold inside.... his strange commanding presence unlike anything I had felt before.... Then he spoke in a voice that was frightening but also alluring... he asked me about you.... I don't remember what.... it was then that I found him truly terrifying... his words made me feel so at peace.... they had a terrifying sweetness... That's exactly why he was terrifying.... Come Marcus he said.... and then I ran....." Marcus said with such fear it was like he was re living that very moment in his mind... This worried me... It appears I underestimated the affects he has on other by his mere presence... perhaps that was why no one seemed to want to go against him...

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