Entry Three - The Valiant Effort.

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"Hey, wake up idiot!"

Hollywood whispered.

"Miss Martins' been glancing at you for about 10 minutes now. You don't wanna get in trouble, do you?"

Hollywood sensed that I was falling asleep again so he shook me lightly which waked me up once again.

It's two 'o clock in the afternoon and Miss Martins is our last teacher for the day. I'm really tired and I just want to sleep or play to keep me awake.

"Mister Halloway, if you want to sleep you may get out of the classroom and make your way to the nurse's office."

Miss Martins yelled.

"I'm sorry."

I replied, 'cause that's all I can say, right?

"Moving on."

Miss Martins continued teaching.

The class went for about 30 minutes more. I fought so hard not to fall asleep or else I'd get scolded again.

It was Monday and Evie just got back from school. Her friends swarmed her over concerns and I guess she liked the attention. I pulled out my phone, plugged in my earphones, and listened to some songs.

As I was walking down the corridor heading for the exit, a girl grabbed my arm.

"Ryan! Come on, why the hell are you going home so early?"

Meriel O'Brian. I call her "M" though since we're good friends and she's okay with it.

Meriel is one of the pretty girls. She's confident, smart, funny, and most of all, beautiful. I treated Meriel as merely a friend though.

"I have some stuff going on, M. Sorry if I can't hang out."

I replied.

"Man.. well, call me when you need something alright?"

She waved goodbye.

I put my earphones back on and checked my phone. I fixed the earphones that got a bit unplugged from the port and resumed the song I was listening to.

As I head out, our family's driver Mister Enriquez was waiting.

"Good afternoon, sir! How's your day?"

Mr. Enriquez greeted with a smile.

"It was cool Mister Enriquez. May we head straight home? I wanna go to sleep and you would want to go rest as well, right?"

Mister Enriquez nodded. He opened the door for me and he went in the driver's seat.

I reached for a small book in my bag. It's some kind of novel that basically has one sad and pretty depressing topic.

"What Would I Do Without You?"

The story begins with a man named Six. Six was an amazing doctor, according to the story. Six had a girlfriend named Iris. They were both happy as hell and they seemed like a physical representation of the word "perfect."

Eventually, they went on with their happy lives. A few months later though, Six was sensing something wrong with Iris. She seemed.... colder, uninterested, insensitive.

Six thought there was just a short term problem happening so he ignored it.

At least a week later, Iris confronted Six. Iris said that she can't live anymore.

Six didn't understand. He was confused as if he was a cat trying to chase a laser pointer but couldn't.

Six asked why. Iris replied that because she's suffering from a form of incurable disease that slowly deteriorates her body.

Six cried hard. He was a doctor and he saved hundreds of strangers but he can't even save his own girlfriend. Six tried persuading Iris to reject that idea for he will take care of her. Iris didn't want Six to suffer because of her so she chose an easy way out.

Six came home to see Iris lying down on the floor, almost lifeless. He rushed her to the hospital and after a few minutes, she was announced dead. Iris overdosed.

Six couldn't accept this and cried his whole soul out. He kept mumbling:

"What do I do without you?"

At the last part of the book, Six was just shown standing in an open field. Six was holding a boquet of flowers. They were irises.

I closed the book and saw that we were already in front of our home.

"Thanks, Ronaldo."

"Anytime, sir. Happy to drive for you!"

Ronaldo made me go inside as he was gonna park the car in the garage.

"Hey, Miss Wilson."

I greeted, she simply greeted back.

Mom and Dad wouldn't be home early on weekends. My Mom works in a Law Firm and my Dad is an Engineer. As you can see, they are both busy jobs.

I went to my room to discover Evie not being there. I changed my clothes and went downstairs once again to ask if Evie went home yet.

"Miss Evie? No, no. Not yet."

Miss Wilson replied.

I went back to my room and fell asleep in a short time. I was woken up by Miss Wilson at around 7PM and when I went downstairs, Mom and Dad were home. They were home but.. where's Evie?

I asked Miss Wilson Mister Enriquez whether Evie had come home yet or not. They both said no though.

I called her since I still had her number. It rang for at least 3 times and somebody picked up.

"Hello? Ryan?"

It was a voice of a man. Not a teenage one though, an adult one.

"Hello Mister Michaels, is Evie there?"

"Ah, yes. Evie got home earlier after Rose called her a few times. Why'd you ask?"

My heart skipped a beat. She went back to them? She still hasn't told me why she tried killing herself and I had a good guess it was because of them. So why was she back in their home?

"May I speak to her?"

"Unfortunately my wife, her mother, is having a sensible talk with her. I am pretty sure you know WHAT HAPPENED."

"Come over anytime, though. My wife and I would love to get into more on the details on why she tried it."

The call was dropped.

"Well then should w--"


Per my reaction, you can tell that I was uh, shooked.

My meticulous dad was listening in.

"Should we go there and get your beloved princess?"

He asks.

"Not now, Dad. It'd seem like I'm desperate."

He put up a smirk on his face saying:

"That's my goddamn son."

I knew I couldn't call Evie again because Riley might pick up next.

I discussed with my Dad on how we could do the approach. I then discussed with my Mom on how I can handle Eve.

I don't think you can describe my desperation as a form of "valiant effort."

What can I do? I just want to save her. Evie Michaels Must Not Die.

Thus, began my journey. Saving Evie.

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