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We scour the streets of Manhattan gleefully. A laugh is his pride, and his fingertips reach out to mine carefully as we continue on.

"I legit thought she was going to find out about us."
Dream snorts.

I roll my eyes.

U S.

I hated the word.
I hated him.


He looks at me, "Y'know, you aren't a uh, my.. toy." He says, taking the plastic bag from me, he fumbles around in it, finally bringing out a bag of frozen peas. "I just sort of got curious." He frowns at his words, "Not that thats right."

"It's okay."
"Have you been with a boy before?" He asks, extending the cold peas out to me, but not before turning my chin to face him and I watch as green eyes flick over my jaw.

I had, actually. He was a bit of a bitch, though.

An eyebrow raises, and he looks at me sceptically. His hands diving into his pocket as the plastic bag rustles against his side; clinging on for dear life as it hung on his lower arm.

"His name was Anthony." I reply, as if he was asking me to go on, and Dream only nods. 

Actually, Anthony, I can use you to my advantage point right about fucking now.

"Fucking good looking too." I groan, waiting for some sort of reaction.

"His body was-"

"I get it." He snaps.
I smirk.
I got my reaction.

From my toy.

"Y'know, George, i was thinking about your accent." He starts, coughing slightly to indicate we were done and dusted with talk of my ex-boyfriend. Sadly. 
"British? I'm British. Uh, yeah. My mother and I moved when my dad and her divorced. I was born here, raised there and she decided 'why not move back?'" I laugh, frowning slightly.

"Born here?"

I nod.
"She and I moved to Brooklyn first, Greenpoint, but a little later she got a job in Manhattan." I shrugged. "It was just convenient to move so she wouldn't be stuck in traffic or have to use public transport."

"What about your dad?"
It was a tender topic.

"He wasn't physically abusive, but mentally, I guess. His words hit pretty close to the heart. Alcoholic, child neglect, Mum got full custody, he got prison time." I chuckled, digging my free hand into my pocket before Dream snatched it again. "I'm so-"

"Don't apologise." I snap, and he only frowns before nodding, looking up at the building we had stopped in front of.
"We're here."

I looked up, awe met with my face.
"Fuck, you're rich."

The apartment block was only built last year, I remember the grand opening of it. Marble pillars met with smooth concrete, the steps were gradual, and high heels clipped up and down them; briefcases swung at arms length of men dressed in black.
Dream only shrugs, and him and I walk up the stairs. "Thirty-fourth floor." I murmur as he pressed the button on the elevator.

"At least you're more bearable than Sapnap was."
"I forgot you had other friends."
It felt like he only spent his free time with me now, except when I was actually having lunch with Karl. Tomorrow, too, without a doubt.
Tomorrow was Saturday? I choke at the thought of sleeping in Dreams house.

"Shut up." He groans and our banter goes back and forth, up until he takes two steps towards me, his lips parting. It's not that I wanted to, or realised. But i pushed myself against the wall, edging to get further from him, trying to slip away from his grasp. Lean away.

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