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content warning - underage drinking, no one under the age of 17 is there though :]

Four hours before I was set to leave the house, Dream had rung me about five times and sent well over twenty messages.

All for what?

Not wanting me to go to the party, which left me more than mildly confused, maybe Sophia didn't want me at her house? Or maybe he was worried something bad would happen there. But either way, when the clock chimed seven, I was in bed clad in a hoodie, track pants and the worst movie i've ever seen. Except when my bedroom door was slammed open and Karl stood at my door frame looking at me as if I was a ghost.

His shirt was black, a white long sleeve underneath it. Plaid pants fell to his ankles, met with white Pumas, okay Karl. Go off. Chains rattled at his neck, half of a lego heart falling from one of them, i knew who owned the other half.

"Who let you in?!" I looked him up and down.

"Let myself in, and what the fuck do you think you're doing in bed!" Karl snapped at me.

"Not going." I shrugged.

"'Not going', not going my ass, George, get your dick out of your mouth and be a woman." He chimed, going through my draws and frowning as he pulled out an opened box of condoms, much to my demise. He threw a shirt at me, and I scoffed looking down at the shirt before getting a pair of jeans thrown at my face. Im guessing Karl was only throwing out what he knew i'd actually wear, seeing as both were things i'd worn nearly on the daily basis.

"Get dressed, if you aren't out of this door in one minute, I will haul your ass out of that door no matter how you look." Karl snapped with an innocent and cheery smile before wandering off with a skip in his step.

Oh fuck this.


Karl looks at me with desperation, I only glare back, pulling against his weight. "George please! We've got this far, you jackass!" He whines, stumbling forward a bit as I yank on his grip on me.

I am not going through that door. I can already taste the bitter brownies, and intoxicated bodies against mine; the booming music that slips through the cracks already has my heart doing laps. "No." I put it simply, and my best friend groans. But he looks behind me, and waves frantically, I frown, turning too.

"Karl!" A brunette cheers, he's clad in a leather jacket and a tight fitting white shirt that exposes his midriff. Skinny black jeans and I take notice to the chains hanging from his side, they match those that hang from his neck and even his ears. Didn't know Sapnap had his ear pierced, didn't know he was a little stylish. I can see why my best friend has been falling to his feet for the past week. And oh hey, would you look at that it's the other half of the lego heart necklace.

"Hey! Can you help me? Certain someone wants to back out last second." Karl smiles, letting go of the grip he had on my wrist. I'd take my run but getting past Sapnap would be an obstacle.

"No- nonononno-" I start but someones arms already grip around my waist, and im thrown over their shoulders. The black leather jacket is met with my vision, and I cry for Karl to save me from Sapnap's grip. Quackity, who I hadn't noticed was here, trotting along with Karls elbow entwined with his as they chatted.

The door swings open and music rattles my ear, moving my heart at a faster pace, it's rhythmic, like a concert. Bass, and drums, over speakers and I'm set down on my feet before a scene is made. "You all came!" A chirpy voice rings through as Sapnap sets me down, and I turn around to see Sophia in a tight fitted, halter black dress. It exposes her cleavage, and she clearly has a lot of it to show tonight. Her pearl necklace is bedazzled in colour from the strobe lights, and her eyes twist a pretty blue colour when she looks me up and down. Her hair has been straightened from it's normal waves, and it rests just at her shoulders. "Cut my hair this afternoon, nice, isn't it?" She explains to no one in particular.

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