awoken Winter: Part 1

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*Gharrots pov*
I woke up it was chilly. My blonde hair was messy so was my bed right now i'm around eight.

I stood up from my bed and rolled down the floor. My room is decorated with blue banners and pretty lights. I stood up on a chair beside my window and stared out.
I couldn't see much since frost was covering the window.

I placed my hand on the window and quickly pulled away since it burned. This was going to be a good winter. I ran to my closet and dragged out my winter clothes. Even tho im eight putting on my boots is still difficult.

When i had danced into my boots and rushed out my room out into the hallway. I accidentally ran into a guard but he just chuckled and stroked my hair. I smiled and continued running.

When i stopped outside a door i hesitated it was still early. My parents might not be in the mood to play. So i took the next best option. My brother Zane he was one year and a half younger than me. I started running towards the tower door.

I dont know why Zanes room is located in a tower. Dad said it was cuz hes important? I think its cuz hes a training high priest. I dont know what that means. I ran up the stairs feeling like i was going to faint. I stood infront of the wooden door and slammed it open with my mercy.

-ZANE ITS SNOWING!! I screamed out.
I looked att his beds direction he was still laying down. I was annoyed by this he always ignored me. I jumped up into his bed and crawled too him. A book was laying by his side with Irenes crest on it. He probably read before he fell asleep. For being 6 Zane was intelligent. I grabbed his shoulder and shook him with all my might.

-WaKe uP!! I yelled into his ear.
His eyes fluttered open and he looked up with annoyed eyes.
-What do you want dimwit. He scoffed pushing me away.
-Its snowing play with me! I smiled my brightest smile.
Zane turned away from me.
-Its to early. He curled into a ball.
-Its like 9:42 Its not early. I protested his words.
He didn't answer me he layed still. Now i took matters into my own hands.

*Zanes pov*
I felt something grab me by my ankles and it took my some seconds to realize what. Gharrot had grabbed my ankles and started dragging me. I grabbed onto my sheets trying to fight back. But Gharrot was older and trained harder than me so this fight was easy. My hands slipped and i flew off the bed.

My body landed on the stone ground with a bamm.
-Damn it Gharrot!! I yelled out rubbing my arm.
He just smiled and stood up. He was always so damn smug.
He ran up to my closet and dragged out my winter clothes. I walked up and snatched my coat from him.
-Dont touch my stuff dimwit. I pulled on my coat.

Gharrot smiled bright and pulled out my boots. I pulled them on and grabed the small ropes starting to tie them togheter it was hard. Gharrot leaned down and helped tie them. I didn't fight back since i couldn't tie them myself. He stood up.
-There you go baby bro! He said proudly.
-Dont call me that. I said opening the door.
He followed after me and we ran down the stairs.

When the door opened we were meet with a wonderland of snow. Gharrot immediately threw himself into a pile of snow. I walked around crossing my arms. I didn't like the cold well I didn't like any type of weather but my nose was already acting up.

*Gharrots pov*
I was rolling around in the snow getting my cape all tangled up. I didn't care it was snow day nothing else mattered. I stood up and saw Zane was standing still kicking some snow with his foot time from time.

Maybe forcing him outside wasn't a bright idea... Zane usually did everything i wanted him to do since i was his superior. But we are brothers it doesn't matter.

I wanted to play with him. So i did something i would regret for the rest of my life. I collected some snow with my hand but little did i know the snow was made out of ice. I made it into a ball figure and turned to Zane again.
-Hey Zane check this out!! I yelled.
He turned to me looking overly annoyed

-What dimwit?! He asked rolling his eyes.
-Check out my snowball!! I showed my snowball clearly.
-Just dont throw it.. Zane stroked his arm.
-Ofcourse not! I lied...
-Good..- Before Zane could finish the snowball hit his face and he fell backwards.

I laughed perfect now we can have a snowball fight.
-Haha you fell for i-.. I paused mid sentence.
I saw something on the snow.


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