Chapter Fourteen

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Adrian Winters

Waking up the next morning I felt stiff, and the sun that was beaming through the window was all but blinding me when I opened my eyes.

As my vision cleared and I sat up I became aware of two things, one I had a raging fucking headache, and two this was one of the guest bedrooms in Sav's house.

How, and when the fuck did I end up here?

I then stood and looked back at the bed to see the top of someone's straight black hair peeking out from under the covers.

The next thing I checked was if I was even partially dressed, and I wasn't my clothes were strewn around the room.

"Fuck" I mutter, because the last thing I can remember was taking a bottle and downing it while playing that stupid game in the basement of the house, only to wake up from what appears to be the aftermath of a one night stand.

Thinking rationally I immediately check the bathroom for evidence of a condom which there wasn't any.

I am going to be skinned alive if this is as bad as I think it is.

I also then check myself for any remnants of lipstick which again there is none, so at least I can rule out sex, but then again no one just ends up in the same bed as another person completely nude.

Walking around the room I collect my clothing, and do the final check of my body and find faint scratches on my back, but nothing as bad as if I recently fucked whoever was beside me in that bed.

After showering which did include me using the trick of laying your clothing on the shower rod to steam so they wouldn't be as wrinkled, I got dressed and combed my hair.

Stepping out of the bathroom I see the person on the bed stir and sit up pulling the blanket to her chest and I then realize how bad this situation is regardless of if anything happened last night which based on the scratches alone could point to this being fucking terrible.

"Monica" I say flatly, and she looks over at me.

Somehow she was in worse condition as me marks covered her olive skin at least what I could see, and I honestly didn't want to see any more. Her hair was messy and the curls seemed like they had fingers funning through it.

Oh this is definitely really fucking bad.

"Adrian, how are you feeling this morning" Monica asks a smirk across her lips.

"Skip the bullshit, why the fuck are you in the same fucking bed as me?".

"You don't remember" she coos.

"No! I was black out drunk, and I wouldn't be fucking asking if I knew the bloody answer would I" I seethe.

"Well I found you up here alone with a bottle, and I thought you might need something to distract you from your worries" she says.

"Fucking perfect, you saw my girlfriend, or are you blind" I snap, "there was an endless amount of frat and fuck boys here last night, but you chose me".

"Yes plus they all left after an hour you were the only one here".

"Next time your horny find someone you normally go to instead of coming to find me" I say picking up my phone, and pocketing the device, before walking out of the room.

I'm screwed.

Walking downstairs I find Sav, and a few other people that ended up staying the night cleaning up the party mess.

"My parents will be home tonight so I need to get all this cleaned up, which we seem to have gotten everything, now it's just make the whole place smell good and not like alcohol" Sav says looking up to see me as I take the pile of bags, and walk to the front door.

Stepping outside the cool air helped to fully sober me, as I threw away the trash bags.

When I walked back inside the few people were leaving, and I could hear the shower for upstairs going.

"In about half an hour Monica will be doing the walk of shame out of here" I mutter so that only Sav could hear, and she gives me a look that says 'explain'.

I then gestured for her to give me a moment and made sure everyone else had left, before telling her.

"So I got fucked up last night, and I apparently went to one of the guest bedrooms the one I used to always use. Monica came to find me last night while I was black out drunk, and completely incoherent of my own actions".

"That's what she was doing" Sav muttered, pressing her lips together.

"What do you mean?".

"She said she needed to find you".

"Fuck" I laugh.

She had planned this, and I know what Monica is like she plans shit like this, always had, she could never do anything to me because I was known to never have any feeling for anyone so I was impossible to blackmail. But now that I'm dating Olivia, I can be put in situations like this where I don't know exactly what happened last night.

But I'm also not stupid and can play the game I'm put in, I don't just terrify Thornbrook, I made myself a reputation and I wasn't about to have a blackmail attempt tear me down. I know also had the best team of lawyers in the world, and I pulled out my phone, and I was going to keep this as a secret, because I learn from my mistakes.

"What do you think she did".

"She probably recorded it, and I'm not dumb enough to make it obvious, I have several private investigators under my payroll, and no one messes with me and the people I care about, never going to fucking happen".

"So what will you do".

"I'm going to make sure whatever game she plans to play with me she loses" I say, as I hear the door to the guest room open, and I gesture to the banister where Monica will be walking towards the stairs and from the look on Sav's face that's exactly what was happening.

I then listened as the door opened and Monica left.

"Adrian you can't let her get away with it whatever she's planning".

"She'll want to pull me and Olivia apart, it was obvious from last night that that's what she wanted, was to get me to herself, that's what she did was blackmail people to get her way".

"Isn't that what everyone does in this world we want to be at the top, all of us, and you are the top of the ladder at Thornbrook you always have been" Sav says sitting down on the couch.

"I know that, people are selfish in our world Savannah, we all want more, except me, because the billionaire competition is originally what tore my family apart you know that" I say walking to the French doors on the back of the living room house on the pool area, and the hedge wall around the sides of the property that gave a view of the ocean.

"I do, you told me and because I do actually remember what I did, I'm going to help you".

I then turned to face her, with a curious look.

"What do you get out of it Savannah?".

"I know that you don't trust easy ever it's not who you are, and with how me and you know each other I do genuinely have work to do to get you to trust me again, why not start here if I have to start somewhere".

She was being genuine, I could tell it was plain to see there was no deceit no give away of lying nothing.

"Alright then, I will let you help me" I say.

And I really hope I don't regret this.
So what do you think the plan is, and what do you think will happen comment below, along with voting and sharing, now I'm going to go hide in the event any of you get mad at the characters. Anyways


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