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"You don't look too hot either hyung." Jungkook wondered why his leader also looked a little sick too. The members decided Yoongi, Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung would help cook while Hobi and Namjoon would do the dishes after. They gave Jungkook a break from having to help out this time.

They had pork belly and spicy kimchi, Jungkook only took a few bites but Jin was glad he at least ate something. It was a normal dinner, with casual talking while Taehyung and Jimin tried to start a food fight that nobody was interested in joining. After the meal they cleaned up and Namjoon and Hobi got to the dishes.

The other members went off to do things on their own, Yoongi decided to go work on some lyrics while Jin and Jimin went back to playing Battleship in the living room.

Taehyung looked out the window to see that the thunder and lightning had stopped, but it was still sprinkling out a little bit.

"Kook-sii do you want to go sit on the dock with me?" He asked his maknae.

"It's raining out," Jungkook replied.

"I like being in the rain," Taehyung replied.

Jungkook decided to go with him, he was feeling kind of hot anyways and thought the slight drizzling rain would help cool him off a bit.

"Careful by the water, both of you!" Hobi yelled out after them as they left the house and headed for the dock.

The two youngest of the group made their way down and watched their steps as they slowly made their way to sit at the end of the dock, which was still missing the piece of wood that Jungkook broke earlier. They sat down next to each other and dipped their feet in.

The two sat and talked about things best friends talk about, life, goals, future plans, etc. They talked about how much they missed ARMY and doing concerts, how they couldn't wait for the pandemic to be over. How it was taking a toll on their mental state.

"This pandemic is really starting to stress out Joonie-hyung," Jungkook told Taehyung.

"Yeah, I hope he comes out of whatever is going on in his head. Sorry this vacation is sucking for you, mostly because of him. What did you two talk about when you went to his room to talk to him?"

"I asked him what was going on and if I did something to make him angry. He said I didn't do anything, he's just dealing with stuff I wouldn't understand. I told him maybe he should get on meds if he still feels angry when we leave here."

"You think he'll need meds? What kind of meds?"

"I don't know. Anger meds? Anti-depressants? Whatever helps I guess. I just want to see him happy again. You know, and not take his anger out on me."

The two continued to chat while inside Hobi was watching them sit on the dock from the kitchen window, which was in front of the sink where him and Namjoon were doing the dishes.

"They're so cute," Hobi said in admiration seeing the two sit on the dock together outside.

"Who is ?" Namjoon asked.

"Our maknae's," Hobi replied. He finished washing his last dish, while Namjoon still had a little stack to do.

"Ha, I beat you! I'm gonna go work on some lyrics with Yoongi-hyung. Keep an eye on those two, yeah?" he said while gesturing to the two outside.

Namjoon glared at them through the window. "Yup."

Hobi left for Yoongi's room while Namjoon stood there glaring at the two youngest members sitting on the dock. Am I their fucking babysitter? He pay no attention to them as he continued the dishes.

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