1- The Vision

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Cullen's Pov:

They were all sitting in the living room, except for Carlisle, who was in his office upstairs. Edward was playing piano, Jasper was reading books about The Civil War, Emmet was playing a video game , Rosalie was watching her boyfriend play his games, Esme was in her thoughts and Alice was reading about Fashion.

They were all calm and sat in peaceful silence, but Edward stopped suddenly  playing piano and sighed eavily. They all look at him with a concern or curiousity look. Esme was the first to break the silence.
"Hey honey, what's wrong?" she asks in a motherly way toward him. She place à comforting hand on his shoulder.

" Nothing, really. You all have your  mate to be around, and then there's just me , Edward, and his piano. "

He pause and look at their faces. Rosalie shows no emotions,  Esme gives a look of sympathy toward him,  Jasper is looking at him in concern because when he feels his emotions, it is rather depressing. Alice was like a statue, and their just one thing that can cause that: a vision. Emmet in the other hand, tries to comfort him:

" Don't be like, you will find her someday. It's not like you don't have eternity. I also heard there are going to be new students at our school. Maybe you will find her in the new students,  who know."

His attempts to cheer him up work a little bit. Rosalie suddenly wore a shocked / angry expression .

" First of all: why didn't you tell us their were going to be new students and how did you know!?"

"Im sorry i didin't think about I...:

He tried to explem himself but was cut off by Esme:

"Rosalie, calm down, and Emmet you don't need to appologise,"

She said in a calm tone.

Suddenly, Alice came back into reality and squealed in joy like a little girl at Christmas. Jasper came by the side of his girlfriend to have an explanation of what that was that all about. Alice thought about the beautiful girl in her vision, and Edward read her mind.

"What and who is she, Alice?"

Edward asks in a serious and curious tone. He wants to know more about the girl he feels a connection with in Alice thought/vision.

Alice feels excited to reveal the news to Edward. He was a really kind brother to her, and she knew how much it' s affect him to have no mate at the moment like the others.

Hearing someone squeal happily downstairs, Clarlisle goes to see what is happening and to make sure everyone is ok.

"What is going on, Alice?" He asked in a serious tone.

" Well, you all know that there are going to be 2 new students at our school, right?!"

She asked happily,  but doesn't wait for an answer to continue.

" Well, there are twins. There is a girl and a boy and guess what?" She asked.

Jasper and Emmet stare at each other, not knowing what it could be.

Esme and Clarlisle shared a smile seeing the smile on their step-daughter face, but didin't knew either what could it be .

Rosalie sighed in annoyance and said, " What?Are you going to make knew friends?!" She said with a fake excitation.

Edward, him, was confused ,  all the situation, and wanted answers.

"Rosalie, how did you know that me and the knew girl are going to be best-friend!" She said, and joy filled her voice.

Edward said in a serious tone :" I know you better than annyone Alice, and I could tell that you're not saying all.

" Oh yea , how could I forget to mention that the new girl is your mate, Edward. She is coming in two weeks, and her name is y/n." Alice said in a fake boring
tone. " Anyway , I need to go to sleeping, bye!" and she hurries out of the living room, living all the others speechless.

Edward was stunned by what the little pixie girl said to him." Wait, Alice. Where are you going. We haven't finished
this discussion yet. Come back here! You can't even sleep, " Edward sais in a 
excited and serious tone as he hurried to have more information about y/n, his supposed to be mate.

End of the first chapter!

I hope you appreciate it, and if you want, you can comment your opinion of this story. Thank you!

Words: 738 words.

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