Ch.9 Get Out

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-Your pov

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. It was him. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe.

"Y Y-  you." Was the only word I could muster out. The boy was silent for a moment. He simply stood there drenched in water grinning.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here." His tone caught me off guard. He sounded so casual as if this was normal for a Monday. My mind couldn't process anything. The boy looked around the room before setting his eyes on me again.

"Where's the other?" He asked. I knew right away he was talking about Jade. I thought about lying to him. Convince him that Jade doesn't exist. But I know it won't work. My brain is too dumbstruck from this sudden encounter.

"I'm the one who's seen you time and time again. She's never seen you. The glitches on her computer was all she saw. She is not a threat.  Please    don't hurt her." I begged. I mentally questioned myself on why I wasn't begging him to spare me. My nerves were everywhere as he chuckled to himself.

"I wasn't going to hurt her. I was only gonna kill her." He replied as if he was having a laugh. I felt my heart jump out of irritation for his so-called joke and also fear for Jade's life.

"Please! I'll do anything just please don't kill her!" I begged. I was on the verge of tears. His grin faded away and he looked at the glitching screen for a while. The boy looked back at me and sighed.

"You got me out of hell. I guess it's the least I can do. But  " He said before there was a sudden banging on the door.

"Y/n! Are you ok!?" Jade called out before banging on it again.

"Y/n open the door!" She cried out. It escalated to where Jade started trying to kick the door down.

"We'll talk about this later. You say nothing of this.   To no one.  You speak they're gone." He whispered as he backed away from me toward the computer. He slipped through the screen making everything return to normal. It was as if he was never there. I questioned myself. Was I just seeing things? I glanced at the computer to see the only sign of his presence.


The screen glitched those words over and over until Jade burst through the door.

"Y/n!" She yelled while her footsteps rushed to me. My vision was everywhere as she shook my shoulders vigorously.

"Jade I'm fine." I replied before she pried my eyes open more to examine them.

"No you're not! I saw you get pulled into the room. I tried to find a way in to get you out! You       you were laying there staring at the screen completely expressionless! I thought you were dead!" She shouted before wrapping her arms around me obviously worried.

"I'm fine Jade. Nothing was wrong." I lied in hopes that she'll believe me. I looked at the screen to see the words flashing at me again. I sighed as Jade let go.

"It's almost five. I need to head home and get ready."

"Y/n-" I held her hands to silence and comfort her.

"Jade, it's ok. Everything is going to be ok." She seemed unsure about my reply but accepted it so I could head home. I said my farewells and made my way back home to my room.

"You better not back out of your deal asshole." I mumbled to myself as I got changed. I heard my phone vibrate and looked to see a message from Jade. I guess she's still shaken up and I don't blame her. I grabbed my phone to read her text.

Y/n I no wat I saw. U saw it 2. Y else would u get me out of the computer room?

I sighed and looked at my computer screen. I can't lie to her on something like this.

Jade tbh wat happened was someone coming through the screen. I saw him in the river. He's behind the mur-

My phone immediately turned black. I hit the power button a few times, but it remained blank. I don't think my battery was low. I grew nervous when it glitched for a moment.

I strongly suggest you don't do that. All bets are off if you send that shit. I know what you're doing. I'm not stupid and neither are you.

My heart was racing. He knew that I was going to tell her. Yet he's right. We made a deal and he is keeping his part of it. So far. I quickly deleted what I was going to send and worked on an excuse. I don't want to lie to Jade, but I don't have a choice.

Jade I was scared because u were. When u got out I had 2 c wat u were so afraid of. I didn't see anything wrong in there.

But the door wouldn't open. U completely zoned out. Something happened.

I couldn't think of a way to convince her that nothing happened. I hit a few letters before my phone took over and texted for me.

Did u turn the handles?

"Dude, can you stay out of this?" I said to my phone. I doubt he can hear me. I finished getting ready to go before checking to see Jade's reply.

I don't no. I don't no anymore.

I could tell that she was frustrated from the unknown. I should just reassure her and end the conversation.

Jade ur computer was just glitching. It's ok. Gto I'll c u in a few minutes.

I stepped out and made my way to the restaurant to find Alex and Jade waiting. Alyssa must be running behind.

"Sorry I'm late." I said as I sat down. Alex smiled along with Jade. She seemed to recover from the computer stuff. Either that or she's hiding it too well.

"It's all good Y/n. Jade went ahead and ordered your drink for you." Alex stated seconds before the waiter arrived with them. I smiled at Jade before taking a sip. We know each other so well. It makes my emotions go on a roller coaster from the whole moving away thing. Jade grabbed her phone to see a text.

"Alyssa's here now. She'll be coming in soon. Not really sure what she wants to drink so I'll let her oh." Her tone suddenly grew tense as if she was struggling to not strangle whoever she saw. I turned around and struggled to keep myself together as Alyssa approached the table with Nolan.

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