15, | Can I Make It Up to You?

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I don't think that I ever read a book more than I have with Valencia's journal.

I re-read every single word, studied the way she'd add a loop at the end of her Y's and G's.

The leather cover was worn but I couldn't tell if it was bought like that, if she had it for a long time and it was the effect of months of love or if it was a mix of the two.

I tried my best to give her space — smothering was always a bad thing. Valencia made no effort to come into contact with me and I understood why, but I won't lie and say it didn't hurt.

I've never loved anything quite like how I loved Valencia and I screwed it up. I know that you think I love to blame myself for everything but if you have even an ounce of a brain you'd know that most things are my fault.

So like any guy that is horrible at making decisions I called my friend, who was probably just as bad, but two idiot brains are better than one.

"Blaise, do you have a sec?"

"Only for you, Draco," Blaise teased from the other end of the phone. "What's up? I haven't talked to you in so long... thought you forgot about me."

"Yeah err I'm sorry about that mate, things were just going so well and I was busy — now it's all fucked up thanks to me," I admitted, pacing around my flat anxiously.

"What happened?"

"I fucked up with Valencia — I got mad and I told her to grow up and a whole bunch of other bollocks."

Blaise sighed from the other end of the phone, he was used to my mouth ruining things. "First thing you need to do is apologize, did you do that?"

"I tried—"

"By your answer, you did a real shat job at it." He said with a chuckle. "I don't know what answer to give you... you gotta do something that shows her you aren't a complete arse all the time — something that shows that you listen to her."

"I listen all the time to her."

"So this should be easy then, get her favourite flowers, take her to a special spot — from the way you talk about her I know she'll forgive you."

My mouth ran dry, I licked my bottom lip nervously. "I don't want to lose her." My voice cracked as I said it out loud — as if this entire ordeal wasn't embarrassing enough.

"I can tell you love her... she loves you too, only a select few can put up with you — don't harass the girl either."

"What happens if she wants nothing to do with me?"

"Then you call me... don't lock yourself in your flat and do anything stupid, yeah?"

"Yeah." I sighed, walking up to my window and looking out the blinds. "I can't thank you enough for being here for me Blaise."

"You're my best friend Draco, of course, I'd be here for you, how have you been holding up before this?"

"She made my depression go away... or made it so fucking bearable."

"You'll get her back... just think rationally, okay?"

"I will, thank you, Blaise."

"I love you, you bloody git." He teased, making me crack a smile.

"I guess I love you too, zucchini."

After I got off the phone with Blaise I sent Valencia a message, asking her to call me when she wants to. It was simple yet still gave her room to choose if she wanted to talk.

It was almost a full day after I sent the message that she responded to me, saying we'd talk soon.

I checked my watch and saw that she was at work right now — a perfect time to give her the gift I had gotten her.

I parked in front of her work with a little cactus in my hand. I even put a little tag on it: 'I know I've been a prick but I'm sorry, please forgive me'

I didn't think I'd be enough for her to forgive me completely but even just seeing her was enough.

When I first opened the door she was leaning against the counter, writing something down on a piece of paper and didn't even notice my presence.

"How can I help—" She looked up, meeting my eye and her mouth closed.

"What are you doing here, Draco? I thought I said we'd speak later."

"I know you said that... I just came here to drop this off." I told her and walked up to the counter she was standing behind. I set the cactus in front of her along with her journal.

"I know I'm the absolute worst and what I said was uncalled for and I'm sorry. If you are willing to let me, I want to make it up to you."

She scratched the top of her head hesitantly, her finger moving to touch the tag. I watched her eyes scan as she read it.

Her lips moved into a tiny half-smile, her green eyes meeting mine once again. "This is cute Draco, it—it really is but I dunno if I want to see you right now."

I just nodded, what more was there to do? It felt as if she had taken a pin to the air bubble of confidence that I had and popped it.

"I understand."

I went to turn around and leave — no point in making this any more uncomfortable than it already was. She needed to want me when she was ready, not when I was ready.

"Tomorrow morning." She blurted out, making me turn back to face her.

The sun shone through the window, making her hair look even more gorgeous than it already was.

"Tomorrow it is."

"At the cafe... just one cup though." She told me and I smirked at her.

"One cup to make it up to you?"

"I hope you know that I expect more than just a cup of coffee." She teased, "Does that work for you?"

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