Chapter 2

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A Teruyama Story

Practice had just ended and everyone was on their toes to help clean things up, yet a certain omega and beta were already packed and on their way to leave for the weekend.

By everyone, me and Tsuki are on our way out. Yamaguchi gave out his usual bright smile while following Tsukishima to the door. They could hear everyone shouting out their goodbyes as they kept walking.

Yamaguchi was always known as a weak omega who got bullied by his freckles. So it was surprising to him when a strong beta like Tsukishima helped him out. Ever since then they had grown close to each other. It wasnt a surprise to the omega when Tsukishima had gotten in a relationship in his first year of high school. He still hoped that he too would find a partner before the school year ends.

What's wrong? The smaller boy turned around to the sound of the voice looking up to his best friend. Yamaguchi hadn't noticed it but he had spaced out while walking towards their neighborhood.

Oh, dont worry about it Tsuki, its nothing. He tried to give him a reassuring smile. The beta could see right through his smile though, but he knew that he shouldnt pride into it.

That reminds me, he tried to ignore the feeling that he got and tried to change the subject, You never told me how you were going to spend Easter.

Well I was thinking of spending tomorrow and Easter at Yuujis The betas plain expression then turned into a bitter one. He never really liked Terushima. At first he only ever saw him as a competitor at the spring tournament and a playboy judging by how his appearance looked. But he started to feel anger when he started to flirt with the omega. He never had any romantic feelings for Yamaguchi but he still felt that he needed to protect him from people like Terushima. It couldnt be helped that he was also an Alpha that could easily mark Yamaguchi whenever he felt like it.

Yamaguchi looked to the side feeling uncomfortable by Tsukishima falling silent. He saw the expression on his face and could tell what was about to happen.

Ive told you before once you get to know him hes actually a really nice guy. He put his hand on his shoulder trying to comfort the obvious angry beta. Hes gotten used to him insulting the alpha to a point that he has to find a distraction to help him forget.

I know you have but I still get this bad feeling about him. He was about to continue till they both heard the sound of another beta calling out

Kei! Tuskishimas boyfriend was there with a combination of a smirk and a smile plastered on their face.

Gotta go Yams and be careful with that Terushima guy, got it? He started to slowly walk backwards to where his boyfriend was while still trying to communicate with Yamaguchi.

Dont worry Tsuki. I promise Ill be ok. He looked towards the direction of where the beta was signaling that hed be watching him. He turned around facing his boyfriend and carefully intertwining their fingers together.

Yamaguchi sighed as he watched them leave. If he was being honest with himself he always had a crush on Terushima so he was entirely surprised when the alpha had taken interest in him.

He soon arrived at his house and pulled out his keys. He opened the door to find yet again an empty house hold. His parents were always away and when they werent they would stay at the latest hours and sometimes not come home for days, this usually left the omega by himself at the house.

He made his way up to his room and slid his back down the door. Even though he put on a smile he had been going through depression and Tsukishima was the only other person to know this. He had recently run out of pills leaving him with thoughts going through his head. He picked up his phone looking at an old photo of him and Teru. He had been thinking of canceling his visit to his house thinking that hed probably ruin it from how his mental state is right now.

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