Chapter 5

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The rain was sprinkling down onto Argentina where their boys Olympic volleyball team was practicing. There is a certain member from a famous high school from Japan practicing. After graduating the famous Oikawa Turoo (a beta) decided to continue his dream of going pro and moved to Argentina. Even though he had to adapt to the new changes in his life he still felt good and kept good contact with his friends from Japan.

On another side of Argentina, Yamaguchi Tadashi (an omega) was unpacking his bags at a hotel. The home electronics company that he works at wanted to expand their business and asked him to check up on their business that was overseas. He decided to accept and was on call with his best friend right now.

"Tsuki, I'm not sure if I made the right decision coming to Argentina." On the phone, anxious, the omega was stressing about being somewhere new.

"Tadashi I know that it's hard but like you said it's only going to be for a month." On the other side was Tsukishima Kei, an alpha that has been by Yamaguchi's side ever since they were in middle school.

"I know but I can't help but feel anxious." Looking down at his watch then at the digital clock on the coffee table he realized that he forgot to reset his watch and was about to be late for work. "Shoot I'm going to be late. I need to go to Tsuki; try no to get Tobio pregnant." The male would always make that joke when he was away from town knowing how sexualy active the two were.

"Tada-" before the other could finish he quickly hung up and rushed out of the room heading down stairs to his car. Putting his car keys in he tried his best to arrive at the new company that was next to where the players practice.

Going into the company the green haired boy was nervous on how to react. He spent the last few weeks trying to learn a completely new language. He knew his boss told him that there were still people there that spoke Japanese but he decided to learn anyway so that he could at least talk to other employees. Going in he went straight to the head and discussed his bosses ideas with them.

Soon the volleyball practice for the players ended and they were sent home. On the way out in the corner of his eye Oikawa saw the figure of a familiar competitor.

"Tadashi-San is that you?" The taller male had shouted, making his teammates look to the direction he was screaming at.

"Oikawa-San? I didn't think that I'd run into you. Is this where you practice?" Yes, even though they weren't close, Oikawa made sure to tell as many people as he could that he was moving to Argentina. But he mostly insisted on telling the small omega for a reason. Love. He had told his best friend Iwaizumi about the feelings he had gathered, not sure on what he would tell him. Luckily his friend had supported him even if they were their rival team.

"Yeah, our practice has just ended. I was thinking of getting some food. Want to join." For some reason the gesture made the smaller boy feel something inside of him.

"That sounds great!" Happy about the response, the beta said goodbye to his team and walked over to the other.

The day had been calm as the two decided to head home after hanging out at a café. Once both were home they felt a smile on their face thinking back on the events that had just occurred. At this point the brunette had officially fallen hard for the other. Yet Yamaguchi was still confused on what he felt about the other.

(Time skip)

"Tsuki I think I'm in love but at the same time I don't think it is seeing how I just now started to talk to him again and-"

"Tadashi, slow down. Now who do you think you fell for?' The omega was on a call with Tsukishima seeing how he was one of his only friends that had known what being in love felt like.

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