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•AU• this takes place some time before SSO sence Nightmare hasn't become a full threat yet. Since we don't know much about Nightmares past its mostly ☆headcanon☆
Rej is the Steve Nightmare absorbed.
"Hello best friend."


"Aww, that's no way to talk to your best friend now is it?"

"You are not my friend. What do you want?"

"Hmph. I just wanted to know how close you were to locating him."

"I have a general area, I haven't pin pointed him yet though. If that's all you wanted to know you can leave."


"Rej?" 'Did he leave? Usually he says something before going...' Nightmare turned around to check if the ghost was still there, and suddenly everything around him was black.


"Rej? This really isn't funny." Nightmare grumbled and turned toward the voice. It was Rej, as he had suspected, but the Red ghostly figure looked diffrent. Duller and more... angry?

"You... you did this."

"I don't understand, Rej are you ok?"

"You could have helped me.... you should have found me..."

"I- Rej? where is this comeing from...? Are you even Rej?"

"don't you remember me Nightmare...? How sad, to forget your own friend."

"Wha... no. No my friend is dead. You're just some, some fragment of him." He closed his eyes and shook his head, "Your not real."

"Do I look fake to you?" The dull figure appeared right in front of Nightmare and grabbed his arm. Nightmare tensed at the cold feeling that rushed from the ghosts hand through his body. "Look at me Nightmare, LOOK AT ME. YOU LET THIS HAPPEN." he clenched Nightmate's arm so hard he tensed up.


There was a faint voice echoing from somewhere in the dark void.


"HELLO?! WHERE ARE YOU?" Nightmare yelled out as he tryed to escape the tight grasp of the ghost.

"Nightmare come on! wake up!" The dark void vanished as Nightmare opened his eyes. Rej had been shaking him in a attempt to wake him. "Are you ok?"

"Im fine... you can let go of me."

"Oh- sorry" he released his grip on Nightmare and put his hands up. "What happend? You turned around and then your eyes whent all funky."

"Huh? What do you mean 'funky'?" His head ached and his arm hurt where the dull ghost had been holding him.

"I don't know," Rej spoke quickly, "they went all black and then you started mumbling things. You seemed kind of panicked? And then scratches started popping on your arm out of nowhere."

"Ugh, I don't know what that was." He rubbed his head "My eye's were black?"

"Yep. Your hair is darker too now."

"It's probably got to do with the corruption. Something must be speeding it up."

"That's not good. Welp, bye!" Rej then disappeared

"Thanks for the help." Nightmare rolled his eyes and whent back to avenging his friend.
448 words
Ghost Rej is weird.
Nightmares sanity is just-
"All my troubles on a burning on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile :)"


i, uh, yes. Stevetober [Run By AllyC45]Where stories live. Discover now