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'Love gives you strength' they say

But does it really?

It makes you weak

That is my experience clearly

When you love someone

You want to end their strife

There is this something, some fire, 'something'

That doesn't let you care for your own life

Do you know when your die a thousand deaths?

It is not someone's commitment of treason

It is the the time when that someone is crying

And you don't know the reason

If it was on me

I would stop loving some people

Those who don't care about me

For whom I'm barely a trifle

But love doesn't work like that

It has it's own plans

Screwing your heart, crushing your soul

And your life is planned

Love never reduces, it never ends

It is always too much but never less

The ones who are loved back

Are the ones who are blessed

Love is nothing but a drug

From distance it is bad

But when you want it and can't have it

It makes you go mad.

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