What happened?

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Sometimes I think that I am a mirror
Because I smile when you smile
Irrespective of the effort taken in making you happy
Your one smile makes it worthwhile

When you cry, I cry
When you laugh, I laugh
I will do anything for you
After all you are my other half

Anything you have done for me
Has not gone in vain
We have developed such a strong bond
That it kills me to see you in pain

You claim all the pain
To hide feelings is your goal
It kills me to see you like this
Because I can see right through your soul

You are so broken, so depressed
It hurts me to the core
When did you grow up so much
You are not the same anymore

Your eyes used to be so bright
Face used to have a glow
Now I see bags underneath your eyes
Instead of smiles it's tears that flow

Looking down to your hands, your legs
It grows worse
The pain is not only physical, but emotional
If only it could be nursed

Where is the person I loved?
Who would pour his heart out
Who would make me laugh
With a silly pout

I remember a person with eyes full of life
Now I see a human like figure with cuts and scars
When did the happy soul transform into
A sad soul with bloody marks

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