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"Uhhhh, I threw up!"


A child was sleeping soundly in their bed, barely making a sound in their slumber. The cheap and thin blankets were wrapped them firmly, secure from the danger of the outside.

Suddenly, their stomach growled painfully, and their eyes stung as they opened them. They could feel their stomach acid bubbling up to the surface of their stomach, but their limbs ached too much for them to move them. They were way too sleepy for this. Are they sick?

And then they felt a sudden rapidly rising sting go up their esophagus.

Nerris sat up and doubled over to get their head above the floor of their tent and not their cot to vomit.

It was painful to say the least.

When they thought it was over it just came back up, and their nose was clogged, making it almost impossible to breath. They also couldn't see, their glasses were propped up against a lamp on their bedside table. They didn't sleep with their glasses on, obviously, that'd be uncomfortable.

When they got their breath back, they slammed their hand on the table and reached for their glasses, which they found almost immediately.

After putting on their glasses, they almost vomited again to the sight of the small green puddle on the floor.

"Did I ingest a slime..?" They asked themselves, voice raspy and dry from the liquid.

When they felt their stomach bubble up again, they stood up and bolted outside to atleast vomit somewhere that wasn't their tent to avoid it smelling like absolute shit in the morning and have people asking about it. No, no they did not want to explain the sickness they were feeling at this moment. That'd be embarrassing. The stomach acid finally reached their throat, but they were doubled over a toilet this time.

They breathed heavily once they felt nothing more coming up their throat.

Nerris, only having a small amount of time to decide, threw open the door and ran to the counselors cabin as fast as they could, tripping twice on the way. David and Gwen would know what to do. Or what they ingested. They shuddered.

When they finally made it, they heard the sound of the TV on and Campbell's voice. Without a thought, they quickly knocked on the door as loud as they could with a weak left arm, their right arm grasping their stomach.

Campbell groaned and went to open the door. His eyes landed on a child holding their stomach.

"Uhhhh, I threw up!"

He stared at the kid-elf-millenial hunched over from pain.

"This is my problem now, isn't it."

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