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Preston was a man of creativity, imagination, and art. People tell him he's overdramatic. He likes to call it 'an appropriate reaction'. So many people have untheatrical expressions and responses to dire consequences, it gets on his nerves.

So when he woke up to the sound of heavy footsteps, twigs snapping, leaves rustling, and the stench of a thousand durians, he had a flashback.

He remembered something.

And then he forgot immediately what it was when he sat upright. Damn memory.

The rustling became louder and it was clear that the sound was coming from the bushes behind his solo tent. The smell was getting annoying and even more disgusting. He couldn't go back to sleep. It was taunting him.

So he grabbed a flashlight and ventured outside, aiming to find the cause of his awakening.

But before he rounded the corner, he heard the shockening, terrifying, and quite possibly endangered sound of a bear. A bear. His eyes widened as he dropped the flashlight and took a few small steps back.

There is a bear.

Knowing damn well he couldn't take the beast in any type of fight (bears can be great actors, he already tried), he swiftly turned on his heel to run in the opposite direction his possible murderer was in. Oh hell no he wasn't risking that possibility. He's too talented to die!

Yet as he turned, vocal cords and larynx ready for the scream of a lifetime, a betrayal happened.

His foot got caught on a tree root. He yelped as he was brought down.

Betrayal. Damn trees. He trusted them.

Preston's momentary lapse of #dontsavethetrees made him completely forget about the beast.

It was until he heard twigs snapping and the fucking stench growing closer and closer he remembered.

Oh yeah the bear I was running from.



He picked himself up as fast as he could and bolted in the direction he was aiming to run towards before the betrayal arc. While running, (and screaming bloody murder), he risked a look behind him.

Turns out, not a good idea. He should've known. This never works in movies.

He saw the silhouette of it. The bear.

He also slammed head first into a tree, but lets cut that out for the sake of drama.

His screams noticeably picked up in volume. By like 30%. He turned back forwards and saw the holy sanctuary. His saviour. The counselors cabin. He can get the bear to follow David instead! He's immortal. Probably.

Preston grabbed the door handle and twisted it in all directions, realising quickly that it was locked.

"AHHHHHH SOMEBODY HELP!!" He shouted against the door, banging it. "HELPPP!!! HELLLPPP!! THERE'S A BEAR!!"

He heard a grumble sounding a lot like Campbell from the other side and the door was yanked open, causing his second fall of the night.

Campbell took one look at the kid panicking on the floor and groaned.

"For the LOVE OF GO-"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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