huge mistake

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y/n's pov

My head hurts like hell. I'm currently still in my silver dress, in my bed and hayley is passed out beside me. Scarlett is asleep on the couch.

I got up quietly and started getting changed. I'm lucky I'm in my trailer. I see Scarlett start to wake up and sit up opening her eyes.

"Hey..." I smirk at her croaky voice.

"Morning Scar." She winces and rubs her head.

"We definitely drank too much last night, just as well we are taking a break from shooting today and tomorrow. I'll probably need those 2 days to recover."

I laugh at her. "I hope the boys had just as much fun."

She goes pale. "Oh my god. The boys."

I look at her confused before I realise. We said we'd have breakfast with them at some cafe at 9am.

We both scramble for our phones to check the time. Shit. 8:48am.

I quickly go over to Hayley and start to shake her awake.

"Bitch we gotta go like now." Hayley groans and waves her hand lazily in my face.

"Fuck off, I'm sleeping." Right that's it. I grab the covers and chuck them to the other side of the bed.

"Get. Up. Now. I will not be late because of you!" She instantly sits up.

"Alright. Alright."

We are now running around making ourselves presentable. Scarlett phoned us a taxi to take us there.

Tom: Morning darling, me and the boys are here a bit early. We just got a table but we'll wait till you ladies are here to order - T x


"Right ladies! Asses in the taxi now!" Hayley whines.

"But I'm almost done I just need to cover this part with concealer then-"

"NOW ATWELL!" She drops the concealer.

"Okay, I'm moving."

We all finally arrive at the cafe and notice the boys sat at one big table waiting for us.

Hemsworth stands up when he sees me. "Y/n! How are you this morning? Hungover? Tired? All of the above? Have you hit your bossy hangover side yet?"

Before I could even reply Hayley interrupted.

"Yes she has." I roll my eyes at her and sit inbetween Hemsworth and Tom.

I notice Seb and Chris look uncomfortable sat with us. I'm definitely questioning that later. I can feel my phone buzzing in my jeans pocket.

Tom passes me a menu. He leans over to whisper in my ear. "I need to talk to you..."

I nod and whisper back in his ear. "We'll order then we can step outside for 'fresh air' "
He smiles at me and goes back to reading his menu, I look over at Chris and Seb again and notice them shifting uncomfortably now. Somethings up. Seb looks pissed?

The waitress comes and I order a coffee and some pancakes with syrup. My favourite. Everyone else orders and then me and Tom excuse ourselves to outside the front door.

He turns to me and scratches his head nervously. This can't be good. "I uhm, I met someone last night..." Oh for fucks sake.

"We hit it off, got a little drunk and went back to hers. I thought it was a one off but I really like this girl, we have so much in common and I think something good could come from it." Great.

"I'm sorry y/n, I know what we had wasn't serious but doing this still hurts you and I hate that." I give him an awkward smile.

"I hope she makes you happy Tom." He gave me an awkward smile.

"I'm gonna head back in, I'll give you a minute."

I let out a sigh as he closes the door. I know we weren't serious but I still feel shitty.

I decided to check who phoned me earlier. Harry? I phone him back.


"Y/n! Hey, where are you right now?"

"Uhm out with the cast for breakfast, why?"

"I'm outside your trailer darling."

"Oh my god! Really? Screw them, I'll be there in 10."

"Ha ha, alright love see you soon."

I instantly hang up and text Hayley quickly.

my mcu wife
Hey, Harry's in town and so I'm gonna go see him while I can. I'll transfer the money for the food. Feel free to eat it xoxo

my true love interest
Okay babe, tell him I said hi xoxo

I then grab a taxi and head back to the set. As I come out the taxi I see Harry stood outside my door. He looks up and smiles when he see me.

"There she us, the hottest damn woman I know!" He walks towards me.

"The styles with style! How are you gorgeous?" We quickly hug and I open the door to my room.

"I'm very good thank you for asking. I just finished my tour and thought I need to visit my bad bitch. How's filming? Wait screw that, how's sex with Hiddleston?"

I laugh and sit on the edge of my bed as he sits at my desk. "Sex with Hiddleston is no more..."

He gasps. "What? When? What happened? Lizzie will start a riot."

"This morning, last night he met someone he could do more than casual with." He shakes his head at me.

"Fuck him. In the honour of Lizzie we are getting shitfaced tonight my dear." I stand up and walk over to the window.

"No, no, no. I went out last night and I still feel rough." He laughs and gets up to stand beside me.

"Its the perfect hangover cure. Come on please, i didnt come all the way here to not get drunk just because you're hungover."

I groan. When i look over at him hes giving me puppy dog eyes. I sigh and shake my head. "Fine."

He jumps up and fist bumps the air. "Fuck yeah! Lets hit the town hun." I check my phone.

"Harry it's 12pm." He rolls his eyes at me.

"Its 9pm somewhere, lets go." I laugh at him but grab my bag anyway and we head out the door.

~time skip~

I slowly start to wake up. Oh my god, drinking was not a good idea. I swear i drank more then i did with the girls. I cant even remember most of last night. The last thing i remember is those cocktails we ordered.

Its freezing in here jesus. I sit up in my bed and notice that im bare ass naked. The fuck? I hear a groan beside me and turn to see a bare ass naked Harry.

"OH SHIT!" He sits up slowly.

"Ow, do you have to shout? My heads so...why am i naked? HOLY SHIT WHY ARE YOU NAKED? DID WE-"


He quickly starts getting dressed as i hide under the covers. I go to check my phone from the beside table and notice a used condom beside it. Shit.

"I'll uh text you later y/n." And he instantly left.

I fall back onto the bed. Fuck.

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