Chapter 4: Weird dreams, Research

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I was sleeping with Jess, and I keep getting flashes of that Forgotten palace.
I kept seeing a person, he wasn't like anyone I've seen before. He wears a cyan shirt, blue pants, gray shoes, has black hair, and light brown skin.
But his eye are just white, they have a creepy ass glow.
So I could sleep, I was up till sunrise.
I was on the couch with 4 cups of chocolate, I was on my last one when Jeas came down.
She saw me and rushed over worried.
Je: "OMG, Sky are you ok?!"
I was like wide eyed with bagged eyes.
S: "I-I think, I couldn't sleep, so my dumb ass stayed up till like fuckin, sunrise."
She cuddled up with me.
Je: "You should of told me something, we could of stayed up and I had a small idea to past the time."
S: "I'm sorry."
Je: "So, why couldn't you sleep?"
S: "I kept seeing this palace that I've never seen before. As well as a person, who doesn't look like any normal person I've seen before."
Je: "What did the person look like?"
I grabbed a piece of paper and drew and colored out what I saw.
Je: "Who is that?"
S: "Idk, but this guy and,"
I drew out the palace I saw.
Je: "We gotta do more research on this."
Me and Jess got dressed to go into the town.
We walked together into the town, I had an announcement earlier that my shop will be close for a week, cause am doing renovations to it.
Me and Jess got to the center of town, then I just stopped.
Je: "Sky, you ok?"
S: "I've never traveled the palace. I have no damn clue where the library is."
Je: "We can ask."
I looked and saw an older guy reading, so we walked over to him.
S: "Um, Excuse me?"
The old man looked up.
S: "Um Hi, do you know where the library is?"
The old man responded.
"Why should I tell you?"
S: "I'm just the blacksmith, I'm tryna go to the library, for some research on some stuff I'm gonna make."
The old man just gave me a stare like he didn't care.
The assistant was near by.
S: "Mate. I just need to know where the library is. All I am doing is research. No need to do this. I just am asking where the library is."
The assistant walked over but didn't say anything.
The old man responded.
"Listen here bud, I don't care wtf you are looking for here, got back to your bitch ass blacksmith shop, that's all you'll ever be."
I was trying not to lose it.
And the assistant spoke.
A: "You what now?"
The old man looked over and saw the assistant.
(OM is the older man.)
OM: "Oh thank God your here assistant. This was tryna rob me."
I was standing near the wall of a building banging by head again it.
Je: "Sir. All we want is to fine the library, and don't make him mad. He has trouble controlling his anger."
OM: "Oh. If it isn't miss Jessica. You haven't been in your apartment for a good 3 months."
Je: "You kicked me out of my apartment, right when I was about to turn in my rent. So I decided to live with Sky, the blacksmith."
OM: "What are you? His personal whor-"
He got cut of with me grabbing him in the back of the neck.
S: "Talk to her like that again. And I'll rip your fuckin head off."
I dropped him, walked backwards and leaned against the wall.
Je: "Sky, are you ok??"
S: "Yeah, trying not to lose my fuckin mine."
The assistant walked over.
A: "I'm so sorry about that man's behavior, he's been here for a while and he doesn't like outsiders, nor that people don't do their job."
S: "Well then he's to brain dead to remember that I put out an announcement that the blacksmith is closed."
A: "I see, renovations to the shop?"
S: "Yeah, but before then, I just want to know where the library is."
A: "Follow me, I'll take you there."
Me and Jess followed the assistant to the library.
About a few mins later, we arrived at the library.
S: "Thank you assistant."
A: "Of course, but what was the reason you were looking for the library?"
S: "I'll tell you while look for what I need."
We walked into the library, and walked to the History area.
S: "So, the reason I was looking for the library. Is one, see if there are any books for making some new things, and two. I've been seeing some weird vivid dreams of a palace just like, this one, that I have never seen before. As well as a Guy that I never seen before."
A: "Hmm. What would you think guy and this palace have in common."
I stopped cause I found a 2 of the book I was looking for.
One was called 'The Tale of Brine' and the other was called 'The backstory of Blockingham'.
A: "You don't mean, you seen dreams of the things in these two books?!"
S: "Unfortunately, yes."
We found a table and sat down. Jess found 2 more books that were about the same 2 things.
One was called 'The Former Ruler' and the other was called 'The Old Blockingham'
I open the first page of The Tale of Brine.
I got through the first few lines,
and saw the line of:
"⚠️ Warning ⚠️ the following story is graphic and can be disturbing to certain readers.
Viewer discretion is adviced."

I looked at Jess, she was next to me as I read this.
S: "You ready Jess?"
Je: "As I'll ever be."
I looked at the assistant.
A: "I'll leave. You go ahead an inform me what you found."
I nodded, then me and Jess went back to reading.

-2 hours later-

Me and Jess where on the final chapter, I decided to bookmark the book and set it down.
I leaned back on the couch we were sitting on.
We decided to take check out the 4 books and take them home.
I looked at Jess.
S: "I'm not much of a book reader, but this is very interesting. I never knew that the former ruler, was a guy the formed from the depths of hell aka The 'Nether'. That's strange."
Je: "Yeah. It is, but there's no name of who this former ruler was."
Right as well flip to the next page, I saw the name, booked marked the books, and set it down on the table.
S: "Th-theres no way."

e: "What's wrong?"
S: "Th-the f-former ruler w-was the k-king of the Nether. I can't even say his name, because it's forbidden."
Je: "We gotta inform the king about this."
S: "Yeah. And I wanna go travel to where this Forgotten palace is."
Je: "You would probably need an army for that."
S: "That's why I'm gonna have the Cheif with me."
Je: "Can I come with? I'm curious as well."
S: "Of course, I'll make sure to protect you with my life. Now, let's take the news to the King and the Cheif."
We took the book, got dress in our usual clothes.
I put a new sign.
'Closed: On a travel for some items. Will be back soon'
Me and Jess, hand to hand, walk straight to the castle.
We got to the front gate, the Chief and Assistant were there talking with the 2 royal guards.
They saw me and Jess.
RG1: "Oh, Mr. Sky, good to see you again?"
S: "Yeah. But I have something that I want the King and you Chief to hear."
CG: "Oh?"
RG2: "Well Laddy. Usually we don't give special requests. But if it's really important, assistant what ye say?"
A: "Let's bring the news to the King."
We all walked in, Me, Jess, the Cheif, the 2 royal guards, and the assitent all went up to the King's throne room.
We all got in.
K: "Greatings all. What brings you here?"
S: "King. There is something I must bring to your attention that I have discovered. And I want the everyone in on this."
K: "Ok. Speak away."
I told everyone about the vivid dreams I had. Jess backed up all the things I've said.
We told them about the research we have done, and discovered the past about Blockingham.
K: "So. You finally did the research to discover this places pass."
S: "Yeah. And that's not the only thing."
I spoke to Entity. In my head, and asked him to tell his side. And more about the Forgotten palace and Former ruler.
K: "What's this other thing?"
I yelled mask.
Entity appeared.
He explained himself, and his propose for being in inside my head, explain his knowledge of the Castle and the Former ruler.
The king was baffled.
K: "Hold up. So your telling me, that the Former ruler. Can't say his name cause bad stuff will happen. Was your Father?!"
E: "Correct, but he was a good father until an unfortunate thing happened."
K: "What was that?"
E: "His brother, the new ruler of the world, Notch. Banished him, to a place unknown."
K: "Oh. Am sorry to here that lad."
E: "It's alright, but Notch lost my respect after he trapped me in Pickaxe that had special enchantments, and that the same pickaxe, Sky found."
A: "Wait. Sky, that pickaxe you had before you lost your mine on the banker. That was found? Where did you find it?"
S: "Under my house. Right under a trapdoor that my table was on."
A: "Oh ok."
S: "But. My question to you king, with everyone here, that is willing. I want to go travel to the Forgotten palace, and see it for myself. And possibly find anything useful in it."
K: "Well, you gonna need an army."
CG: "I will gather my best men, and we will meet you outside you house tomorrow, and you Sky, can tell them the plan."
I nodded.
K: "Well, Assitent, Royal guards, Jess, what about you 3?"
Je: "Me and Sky already discussed that I'm going."
A: "I'm staying, cause I don't want any part of that old palace."
RG1: "If we go, who will be hear to protect ye?"
RG2: "Yeah. That is a good question mate. So we will stay here, but we'll inform you if they arrive back."
The king nodded, me and Jess walked out with the Cheif.
S: "Let go back to my house. With that thing I can do with my vest, imma give you some items to train your men with."
CG: "Ok."
We walked back to my house, I pulled out a table.
S: "Alright Cheif."
I pull out 3 cases. One was Assualt rifles, Two was Smgs, and Three was Pistols.
S: "Take 2 of these cases, see what's in side of them. There are one of all in each case, if you need other of a specific gun. Pull it out of the case."
The Chief grabbed the Assualt rifles case and the Pistols case.
S: "Alright. Train your best men with whatever guns of these 2 cases they pick."
The Chief nodded.
Me and Jess walked back into the house.
We sat down and relaxed, then we decided to have a little fun.
But after all that fun we decided to go train for tomorrow.
Tomorrow, is the day of travel to the Forgotten palace.

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