Chapter 13: Battle of the Palaces, Medical Treatment

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It was the next day, and I was just working on My most powerful sword yet. Right as it got down.
I hear the Cheif yelling my name.
I ran out with the powerful sword on my back.
CG: "The King needs you. It's urgent."
Me and Jess ran with Cheif to the palace, but instead of going inside, we joined the army infront of it, where the king did as speech.
K: "Men, we have battle coming, you all have trained with the weapons both Melee and Fire arm for something like this, some will fall, some will be hurt. But with the amount of training we did. We will be victorious.
Good luck everyone, my God be with you all."
Everyone yelled OORAH.
We all Marched outside the gate, we were in a long line that is was rows and 15 columns.
The other palace also lined up the same.
The king of that palace was King Furwell.
(K.F is King Furwell.)
K.F: "Well look at this, Blockingham has bigger army then last time."
S: "Furwell, What The fuck is the meaning of this."
K.F: "It has come to my attention that Blockingham has an item that belonged to the Ruler if the land. So I come to take it for myself."
S: "Yeah. I don't fuckin thing so mate. We may look like an army who don't know shit. We have been training the last 24 months."
Me and Furwell walked forward to each other. Cheif and Price were behind me, make sure nothing bad happens.
King Furwell was a German, but his accent was fake.
K.F: "And what will you, a blacksmith, do about it?"
I looked him dead in the eyes, and he saw that one of my eyes turned red, and my body was slightly covered with ink.
I spoke with a glitches voice, cause my voice was merged a bit with Entity's.
S: "I will make sure that whatever your talking about stays, hidden and safe. Even if I have to turn into, Entity himself. It will not leave my sight."
Furwell backed up, then all of a sudden, 3 cannons shot at me, and exploded me back, I was knocked unconscious.

-6 days later-

It was darkness, I couldn't see anything.
I was able to hear but it was muffled.
???: "He's been out for 6 days, and he looks better, how the hell did he somehow survive 3 cannon balls?"
There were 2 male voices and 2 female voices, one I could tell was Jess. My hearing came some more, and I was slowly able to see.
S: *Small grunting.*
??: "He's waking."
I was kinda able to see, but it was a blur.
CG: "Hey Sky, how ya feeling?"
S: "Felt like I just disappeared, what happened?"
Cpt: "You took 3 cannon balls to the face, and you came out with injuries, and not missing limbs or dead."
S: "Damn," *coughing* "I guess I'm lucky then."
My voice was low, because it felt like I woke up on a rock.
I look over and saw Jess.
S: "Hey. You alright Jess?"
She looked up with teary eyes.
Je: "OMG, Sky, your ok?"
She gently hugged me.
S: "Yeah. I'm ok(x2)."
I looked and saw the doctor.
Price turn to her.
(D.B is Doctor Brina)
Cpt: "Hey Doc, how is his recovery. Is he able to return home?"
D.B: "Hello, his state of injuries have been all fixed, and cleared. He is able to return home, but he will have to wait a week or two, before he can go back to making tools and weapons."
S: "How long have I been out?"
CG: "Six days."
S: "Damn, almost a week, I guess waiting a week makes since."
D.B: "Well, Everything is done. You are free to go."
Price and Chief made sure that I didn't fall while walking back home.
I had Jess under my arm as I walked.
As we walked, some random asshole came over and pushed Jess, I caught her before she fell to the ground. Before the guy ran. I grab him by the hand, and he looked me in the eye, it turned red and my voice echoed.
S: "Do something like that again, and I will make sure no one finds your fuckin body."
The guy ran away.
Before we continued walking.
S: "You ok Jess?"
Je: "I'm always great when I'm with you."
We got to the house, and walked in.
I sat down on the couch.
S: "Good fuck, I want to sleep, but at same time I don't want to."
Cpt: "Yeah, I know how you feel."

he Cheif an Cpt. Price left, but before the Cheif left, he turn around.
CG: "I don't think I ever told you my actual name."
S: "Yeah. I always called you Cheif. So pretty much you never told me your name."
CG: "Well, My name is Chase. Chase Galen."
S: "Oh, your last name is Scottish?"
CG: "Yeah. But I speak English most often."
S: "I've seen more British, and Scottish people here, and less Irish people."
CG: "Well. It's because most of the Irish people have different work and sleep schedule then us British and Scottish Folk."
S: "Ah I see."
Conner looked outside.
CG: "Well, Imma head out, hope you get better soon Sky."
S: "Yeah. Hope so as well, see ya Chase."
Chase left to go back to the palace.
Me and Jess went upstairs, she had to help me upstairs cause I was struggling to go up.
Je: "I'll make sure to take care of you while you get better."
I hugged and kissed her.
S: "Your the best girlfriend I could ever ask for."
She went down to make something for dinner since it's been a long day, I turned on the TV and watched Travel Channel.
After dinner we slept and relaxed all of the week of me getting better.
After the week, after another kidnap attempt, we come face to face with Notch himself.

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