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a fluffy chapter that i have been dying to write - something not sad :)


these are all different scenarios :)

age: 4/5

You woke up with a smile on your face as you always did, too innocent and happy to know the cruel world. You saw your older brother's face looking down at you with a grin. 

He looked into your pretty eyes and avoided the cut on your forehead, and the light red bruise on your cheek. He couldn't bare to see you in pain. 

Your little hand cupped his cheek and you said, "I loveeee youuuuuuuu."

"Love you too, Y/n," he chuckled, kissing your wrist. 

He got out of bed, and pulled the cover off, making your skin tingle. "I'm coldddd," you whined grabbing the blanket and pulling it over yourself. 

"We gotta go," JJ spoke, "Go get dressed."

To be honest, you were just fine in your light-pink pjs. "No," you scrunched up your nose.

"Cutie," he cooed, booping you. 

You held up your arms to him, "S'tired," you said, causing him to laugh. 

"You have legs," he replied, lifting you onto his hip, "Use them." He set you down, so you plopped on the floor. You wouldn't get up, you just wanted to be carried. You frowned up at him and he finally gave in.

"Fine," he rolled his eyes playfully, "You got me."

You leaned on his shoulder, feeling your eyes droop, that until he bounced you. "No sleeping right now."

"Sto-o-opppp," you warned.

"Don't be all cranky, I could put you down any second."

"Fine," you scowled, pulling out your middle finger. 

He laughed and said, "I taught you well."


"Sup tiny JJ," Pope greeted, making you scowl once again. How many times were you going to flip people off today?

"JJ, you're a great influence," Sarah giggled, sarcasm laced in her voice. 

"I know, I even taught her what to say if someone is fucking with her, right Y/n?

"Yes," you nodded. 

"Jeez," Kie mumbled, "I don't even want to know. You poor girl."

"Ouch. Y/n is just fine right?"

"No JJ, she's corrupted."

"How?!" JJ replied, "How?"

"Remember that time a police pulled you over and she said 'fuck off' to them?" John B chuckled, remembering that moment. 

"No, I don't-"

"Yes you do, you were laughing."

"Fine. But it was funny," JJ smiled. "That was so badass of you Y/n."

"See? Did it again," Pope sighed, "You never learn."

"Okay, but think of all the good things I do, huh," JJ pointed out. 

"Feed her ice cream before dinner."

"Give her a ton of candy right before bed so she gets high on it."

"Encourage her to-"

"Okay! God damn, I get it."

"Just- maybe be a little more...mature," Kie spoke, "Just a little."

"Fine, jeez, dammit," JJ muttered. 

"Boo!" Sarah scared him.

"WHAT THE F-" JJ started, "f-f-f-fudge."

"Good start," Kie smiled.

"No J," You interrupted, "It's fuck, not fudge silly," you giggled. 

"Y/n!" Kie scolded.

"PFFFFFTTTT," JJ wheezed, "My baby sis has a dirtier tongue than you." 

"No hope for this one," Sarah patted your head, "JJ ruined you."

"I beg to differ," JJ scoffed, "Without me-"

"Save it JJ," John B laughed. 

"Fine," JJ muttered, "C'mon Y/n, these people clearly don't understand."


You kept shifting in bed until JJ sat up and sighed. "Y/n, go to sleep please."

"NoOOoOO," you replied, "Not tired."

"Then you can sleep somewhere else," he muttered.

You gasped, pretending to start crying. Key word: pretending. 

"Shit, shit," he mumbled, "No Y/n, don't cry, ok you're crying, shit." He laid you on his chest and said, "Want me to tell you a story?"

"Yes!" You smiled, immediately rubbing off the fake tears. 

"You cheeky little-"

"Pleaseeeee J," you pleaded.

"Fine. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Y/n..."

"And she went to bed. Night," he laughed, pulling up the covers. 

"That was a horrible story," you pouted, snuggling up against him.

"Go to bed."


You were woken up with the curtains opening, making your e/c eyes wince at the bright light. "Wakey wakey," JJ smiled.

Your eyes drooped once again, feeling more tired than ever. 

"Tired," you whined. 

"Why don't you sleep in the car?" JJ asked, lifting you out of the bed. 

"Ow," You cried.


While lifting you up, JJ managed to accidentally press on your fresh bruise, right on your stomach. 

"I have an owie there," you replied

He lifted up half of your shirt, wincing at the reddish-purple splotch splayed on your skin. "Daddy got mad," she laid her head in JJ's neck. 

"I bet it hurts, doesn't it," he spoke.

 "Yes," you responded, "it hurts a lotttt."


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