( protective - t.c )

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this is kinda like the jealous headcannon :)

Timothée rarely got jealous, mainly because you guys rarely went out, and anywhere you went everyone knew you were timothées and he was yours. The two of you always cuddling on each other or dancing together, looking like love sick puppies.
"let's go to the party tonight! It'll be fun mon amour i promise!" Timothée stood in front of the tv, blocking your view of the movie you were watching. Furrowing you're bored you paused the movie, looking up at your boyfriend. "Timothée please, im trying to watch a movie" you pouted and he rolled his eyes, refusing to move.
"It'll be fun angel! We can party with all of our friends and dance and get tipsy" he spoke, giving you a small smile. You groaned, knowing he wasn't gonna stop until you gave in.
"Tim if you wanna go so badly then you should go! I wanna just stay in and watch some movies" you sighed, trying to shove your boyfriend out of the way, pressing play on the remote once again.
"what are you even watching?" Timothée sighed, plopping himself next to you and looking at the screen, quickly recognizing the movie. "Star Wars? You're turning down a party for Star Wars?" He smirked at you and you smiled.
"it's good! You just don't care enough to watch it" You smiled shyly and he chuckled, quickly moving to cuddle up to your side. You glanced down at timothée watching the movie with little to no interest, mainly by your side only for cuddles.
"fine, let me find something to wear i guess" you mumbled, he quickly got off you, shouting in triumph and kissing you all over the face, "I'm not dressing up, all you're getting out of me are some jeans and one of your old button up shirts" you replied sharply, and he only smiled, already swooning at the thought of you in his clothes.
As you quickly changed into the clothes timothée texted his friends, informing them that he would be on his way shortly, rushing to get changed while you did your makeup haphazardly. Timothée finished getting ready before you did, he sat on the couch and scrolled through his phone while he hummed along to the music coming from the bedroom. Soon enough you emerged wearing one of his silky button up shirts, tucked into some black skinny jeans and some white converse, you makeup was simple and you had barely put any thought into the outfit yet timothée still had the wind knocked out of him when he saw you.
"God you're so fucking beautiful" he muttered, quickly getting off the couch and wrapping you in his arms, kissing your forehead as you blushed. Of course before heading out he took pictures of you, some of you in his arms in the mirror, setting them as your lockscreen and replacing the one of only him you had.
As you arrived to the party timothée was quickly greeted by his many co workers and friends, making small talk with everyone. Your fingers were intertwined and you smiled politely at everyone, suddenly feeling out of place considering you weren't very close with anyone here.
As timothée talked to one of his friends you tried to listen to what they were talking about, quickly getting lost when your eyes wandered around the club, eyes landing on the bar. The conversation had shifted onto the topic of a possible casting, timothée was talking excitedly, letting go of your hand in order to move his hands around while he explained something.
Too shy to interrupt you quietly slipped away, heading to where the bar was and ordering yourself a water, slouching in the comfortable chair and closing your eyes for a bit, enjoyin the feeling of the loud bass vibrating throughout your body.
Of course until someone interrupted the immaculate vibe. "well hello" the young man spoke as he slid into the seat beside you. You didn't recognize him, maybe he was someone's plus one or just some rich person, you didn't really care. "hi" you smiled politely, turning back and facing your water bottle.
"not in the mood for drinks?" He pushed and you shook your head, "didn't wanna really come in the first place" you replied, facing the man as you talked so you didn't seem disrespectful. He gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Im sure you'll have a great time" he replied, scooting closer, you gave him a small smile. "nah i doubt it but you know how it is" you chuckled nervously, drinking some more of your water, looking around for timothée.
"did you come alone?" He pressed, his hand brushing against your arm, you quickly moved it out of his way. "No I'm here with my boyfriend actually, timothée chalamet? You know him? Academy award nominee?" You spoke, boasting about your boyfriends status in hopes of scaring him off.
"I've heard of him yeah, must be an idiot to leave you alone though" he smirked, you felt your stomach drop.
"he can be dumb at times but he's actually very smart" you defended, heart racing.
"ma cherie! There you are" timothée laughed breathily as he approached the two of you, you let out the breath you were holding, smiling at your beautiful boyfriend.
"timothée! I was just talking about you!" You smiled, he wrapped his arms around your waist, immediately sending your discomfort, he kissed the top of your head, and stared at the man next to you. "All good things i hope" he joked, the man simply rolled his eyes.
"how about you and i get out of here for a bit? He obviously disregards your needs, can't imagine what he's like in bed" the man snickered, his hand reaching for your thigh.
Timothée was quick move infront of you and grab ahold of his wrist, holding it tightly mid air. "You make one more move and you're gonna regret it buddy" he spoke in a low voice, his jaw clenching as his grip loosened.
You quickly got out of the chair, timothée stood in front of you, blocking you from the mans view. The man rolled his eyes, mumbling something you couldn't hear. What you did hear though was a low growl from timothée before his fist connected with the mans face, his nose bleeding.
"Timothee!" You screeched, hands flying over your mouth. The man stumbled back, a small smile on his face, "that's all you got? You punch like a bitch! Just like your little toy!" He laughed, spurring timmy on, of course he fell for it, punching him once more, which caused the man to fall of the ground, wincing in pain.
Timothées cheeks were flushed in rage, "don't you fucking dare talk about her like that" he growled, his voice low and intimidating. His posture was much more tense now, enough to intimidate anyone in the room. Despite the lack of muscle on him, the way timmy carried himself exuded powerful, people moved out of his way when he walked, some too scared to look into his eyes until he became his shy, sweet self. But right now there was no trace of the person who chuckled every other word because he was nervous.
He grabbed the man by the arm, lifting him up quickly, you could see the bruise forming on his cheek, "apologize. Now." He demanded, the man quickly rushed out an "im sorry" timmy let him go, the man stumbled back before running towards the exit.
Timmy turned towards you, his face softening the moment he saw you. "Oh baby I'm so sorry i left you alone" he spoke softly, quickly pulling you into his chest and hold you tightly. He pushed you off him slightly, looking over you to see if anything was wrong with you.
"it's okay I'm fine angel" you smiled back weakly, now realizing everyone was looking at the two of you, you shifted uncomfortably under their gazes, timothée quickly took note.
"how about we go home okay?" He smiled softly at you and you nodded, he grabbed your hand and the two of you left quickly, not saying goodbye to anyone.
You let the cool New York air hit your flushed skin, letting out a small sigh as you headed to the car. "Why didn't you tell me where you were going?" He asked, looking at you with concerned eyes.
"you were so invested in your conversation and it was a potential role, i don't wanna hinder your career" you replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Timothee stopped walking, looking at you in disbelief.
"what?" He looked at you puzzled, you sighed and looked up at the sky before looking back at your boyfriend. "Timothée youre surrounded by people who are famous and worth millions, you have friends who actually know what it's like to live like you! I have no idea what that's like and it makes me feel so out of place when we go to things like this!" You replied anxiously, afraid of how he would retaliate.
"out of place?" he emphasized, brows furrowing as his eyes scanned your face for a moment.
You quickly crossed your arms over your chest, shifting your weight onto one leg, "yes out of place, i don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about half the time, I'm not famous like you! I'm just kinda there while you guys discuss all your actor things, obviously im gonna feel out of place" you huffed.
Before he could even reply you turn away from him, beginning to walk to the car, "just forget it lets just go home" you spoke, walking quickly to the car and leaving your boyfriend dumbfounded behind you.
After a couple seconds timothée caught up with you, processing what you had said and thinking back to all the things he had unintentionally disregarded you next to him while he spoke of acting, directors or other things regarding his career.
He remembered how the one time you had taken him to a little party for your work he had gotten upset because there you were talking with your co workers about who know what, and he stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do and just wanting to go home.
Suddenly it was like he was being flooded with emotions; guilt, sadness, anger, and a mix of emotions he couldn't describe.
You were waiting for him in the passenger seat already, he quickly got in the drivers seat, not turning the car on yet.
"mon amour im sorry that you felt like that, i should've realized sooner what i was doing" he spoke, looking at you, his eyes were soft and he had a small frown on his face. You sighed and looked at him, giving him a tight smile.
"it's fine let's just go home" you sighed, he shook his head quickly. "no! it's not fine! I've been so careless and i just disregard you all the time and i don't even realize! what kind of boyfriend am i? Im so sorry baby" he spoke, running his hands through his hair as he looked at the steering wheel.
"timothée i know you don't mean it, you just get really passionate when you talk about acting, its sweet at times, just not when I'm surrounded by a bunch of famous people" you chuckled softly and he smiled a little.
"how can you just forgive me like that" he spoke, a smile on his face while he gently shook his head. You shrugged your shoulders, "i know you never meant to, and plus the moment you realized that i was uncomfortable you always do something to include me or we just go talk to someone else" he giggled a little, because yeah he accidente cut off one or two of his idols for the sake of your comfort.
"and plus, no ones ever punched a guy in the face twice for me" you smirked and he groaned, a little smile on his face. "you're never letting that go huh" he chuckled, you shook your head and he let out a sigh, turning the car on.
"in my defense he very much deserved it" he quipped, a grin playing on his lips and you smiled at the curly headed boy, your heart swooning at his soft expression.
Yeah, timothée had some flaws, but the moment he realized he had them he tried his absolute best to fix them. Especially if they hurt your feelings because he loved you so much he would punch any guy any day for your sake.

@baroque on tumblr

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