( dating timmy: headcannon - t.c )

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•timothée is such a soft boy in a relationship
•he loves when you say his full name but also loves the many nicknames you have for him
•when you first call him timmy or tim he looks at you with the widest smile, engulfing you in a hug as you squeal
•you call him by his first and middle name when you're upset at him or you need him to be serious
•he sends you so many memes all the time or if you're close to him he'll call you over to look at his phone sometimes
•he'll just call your name and throw it at you
•he loves cuddling
•he will cuddle you on the couch, in your bed, in a chair, literally anywhere
•he loves when you play with his hair !!!!!
•you could just be sitting there and you start playing with one curl, then another, and soon enough your whole hand is cascading through his soft hair
•he loves kissing you !!!!!! cheek kisses, FOREHEAD KISSES, nose kisses, neck kisses
•sometimes he'll just grab your hand and kiss it and tell you how much he loves you
•when he's home he spends every waking and sleeping hour with you
•"I'm gonna go shower" "I'll join you :-)"
•grocery shopping with him is way too much fun
•you guys would probably make jokes out of anything you see and get things you most definitely did not need
•he takes so many pictures of you :-(
•any moment he sees you just breathing "don't move stay like that" and boom, new lockscreen
•he gets all blushy when you compliment him or show him off
•one time you learned how to say something in French just to impress him and he damn near cried •because you went out of your way for him
one time he catches you using duolingo to practice your French and he had to calm himself down before he burst into tears
•you found him teary eyed in the hall and proceeded to comfort him thinking he was sad, you didn't know whether to laugh or cry with him when you found out why he was about to cry
•did i mention he is v v clingy
•flowers all the time ,,, out getting a snack ??? he'll buy you some flowers ,,, sees a bush of roses on his way home ??? he'll pick one to give to you
•he could be thousands of miles away and you hear a knock on your door,, the boy ordered flowers online for you
•when he's away acting you guys FaceTime ALL THE TIME
•you both fall asleep on the phone together and you always tease him for sleeping with his mouth slightly open
•he always leaves you a bottle of his cologne so you can spray it when you miss him
•also he leaves you all of your favorite shirts of his so you can wear them all you want
•you guys watch the office together all the time and you get him into your favorite tv shows
•sometimes you get insecure because you feel like you aren't good enough for him or you don't meet up to standards
•and he will shoot you down so fast
•he'll comfort you and say all the right things to make you feel better
•sometimes he'll just hold you close and kiss you all over until your giggling to make him stop
which ends up in him posting you everywhere and showing off his darling
•and he shows you just how much he loves every inch of you too
•if you ever feel insecure he can immediately tell and he starts to reassure you and do whatever you want to make you feel better
•you guys always walk around town and find new places to eat and try food
•you found a secret park that no one knew about so you always have picnics when he gets back from filming or when you wanna go on a cute date
•anything you mention to him as an offhand comment he'll buy you
•this boy absolutely SPOILS you
•one time you mentioned how you wanted a locket and the next week he surprised you with one
another time you saw this ring that was pretty and you immediately took it back because it was much too expensive for you and two weeks later ??? it was sitting on your dresser
•you find it endearing but you also get upset because you don't want him to think you're using him for money
•so of course when you bring the box out he has a giant smile on his face and you look at him, slightly upset and he pulls out the puppy eyes
•"Timothée Hal Chalamet how many times have i told you to not waste money on me!" You scolded him and he looked so sad
•"any money i spend on you isnt a waste i just wanna see you smile" you can't help but smile at his comment
•"do you not like it?" he would get so nervous and play with his hands and you would go and sit next to him, putting the ring on the table.
•"honey i love it i just don't want you to think I'm using you for money because I'm not" he would kiss you and give you a small smile because god how did he get so lucky with you?
•he has so many cute nicknames for you- baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, angel, mon amour, ma cherie and so many other soft little names
the amount of inside jokes is insane
•it's no secret that the boy is an absolute goofball so the two of you are always making jokes
•that leads to having way too many nicknames that have such an intricate back story
•you try to teach him how to properly do the woah but he refuses to learn because "I'm doing it right, it's everyone else that's wrong" he would defend
•for Halloween you would do couple costumes 1000% instead of going out to party he would want to stay in with you and give out candy, he loved seeing you smile at all the kids and fake being scared when they tried to scare you
•the two of you would watch scary movies all of October, he would always hold you tight as the two of you slept because sometimes you would get a little freaked out
•the first time you meet his family is during thanksgiving and you are NERVOUS
•you do your makeup and wear your best jewelry and even do your hair a bit so that it looks nice than usual
•when you walk out of the restroom all dressed up timmy is speechless bc of how good you look, he •kisses you on the cheek and takes so many pictures of you, setting one as his lockscreen right after he takes it
•his mom LOVES YOU she thinks you're the sweetest person in the world
•she asks if you know French and you whip out the little French you had learned, thanking the green owl that was on your phone
•timothée is so impressed by how well you can pronounce everything, it doesn't go unnoticed by his family either, everyone praising you and you can't stop blushing
•they end up threatening timmy because they love you so much
•and then he meets your family
•they love him so much they never want you guys to break up
•your siblings adore him, your mom is absolutely in love w him and your dad thinks he's so eloquent and carries himself amazingly
•he gets along so well with your whole family and has everyone at the table laughing with his stories and comments
•when your mom sees the way he helps you with everything or how gentle he is with you she knows he's gonna be the one you marry
•the two of you watch the nightmare before Christmas all the time since you both love it so much
•you sing along to every song and laugh as he stands on his tippy toes to try and imitate jack
•for Christmas time you guys always try to see who will give the best gift
•of course you love to see the lighting of the tree and so many snowball fights all the time
•even more cuddling because oh my god it's so cold all the time
•timmy always knows exactly what to get you and he always writes you a letter which makes you cry
•you also get him something meaningful and amazing which makes him tackle you with a hug and kiss you until you're out of breath
•the two of you are always so supportive of each other during anything and everything
•timothée chalamet would be the worlds greatest boyfriend and you cannot tell me other wise

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