( clingy* - t.c )

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CONTENT WARNING: mentions of sex

This man loves to touch you in some way constantly. If he's not in a position to hug you or kiss you or hold your hand he'll run a single finger along your shoulder or arm just so you'll look at him and smile.If you're sitting next to each other he'll always have his arm around you. If it's not his arm around your shoulder it'll be his hand on your knee. He'll stroke either gently from time to time, just so you know he's thinking about you.You'll take walks together, and he'll hold your hand. When you stop at crosswalks, he'll pull you into a hug and sway with you lightly. You'll try to pull away and he'll keep you there, "nope, you're mine. Can't let you go."While you continue to walk, you'll snake an arm around his waist and he'll put a hand in your back pocket. He loves this because it gives him free access to squeeze your ass a little. It always makes you smile and he loves it.When you're in a position where touching isn't too practical he'll be clingy in glances at you. His eyes will follow even the smallest move you make. He'll watch the way you move your hands. The way your chest moves as you breathe. He'll watch your eyes and how they dance around the tv screen or a room. Occasionally, you'll catch him staring at you. When you make eye contact and he realizes you've caught him he'll throw you the most loving smile and it truly makes your heart skip a beat.In private he's a full-on stage 5 clinger and you love it. He'll want you to sit on his lap. He'll play with your hair. He'll randomly kiss different areas of your body: neck, shoulder, hands, fingers. He will sneak from behind and press his body against yours holding you tightly.You'll get up to go to the restroom and he'll whine, "where are you goingggg?" "Hurry up, I miss you already."The sex has a clingy air to it as well. His hands are always needy. He'll constantly have to hold your hand even during the roughest sex. He'll interlace his fingers with yours while he pounds into you. He'll press his forehead against yours and look into your eyes.The clinginess doesn't stop after sex. He has to hold you for at least 30 minutes before you even think about getting up. During this time he'll press small tender kisses all over your face. He'll whisper "I love you," "you're so beautiful" and just make you feel like a princess. A lot of times you both end up falling asleep together due to the extreme comfort of the situation.At night he'll want you wrapped up in him. Legs tangled together, your head on his chest. He'll rub your back with the tips of his fingers. If he wakes up and you're too far from him, he'll scoot you over and spoon you. You don't mind, you sleep better this way.If you wake up before him, you don't get the chance to leave bed. His arms will tighten around you and he'll groan, feeling you trying to escape. "Nooo, don't leave. Sleep with me here forever."


@meetmyothersouls on tumblr

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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