Hey guys!
Sorry for my inactivity! I've been studying for my A levels and I'm super stressed out but I felt like I needed to publish a chapter for y'all to make up for my absence :,)
Thank you for your continuous support 🥺💜"Go 'way!"
"Don like you!"
"What?!" The little yelled, throwing a pillow on the floor, having completely messed up their bed while having a bit of a tantrum. He'd been very stressed with work and everything lately, so when he'd woken up in littlespace that morning after falling asleep in his big headspace, he was immediately in brat-mode.But instead of scolding him, his caregivers were trying to be gentle, knowing that any punishment or harsh words while he was so worked up would just end up with a very upset little and no solved problems.
"You want some quiet time, bub?" Jungkook spoke in a gentle tone, outstretching his hands to the boy when he saw him on the verge of angry tears, and Taehyung nodded slowly and unclenched his hands to reach for Jungkook's, not even realising how he had been digging his nails into his palms.He pouted with furrowed brows while Jungkook and Jimin led him down the hall to his little room, movements swift and calm. They'd noticed how little Taehyung had been slipping over the past week, spending nearly all of his time in his big headspace, either working or stressing about work. The cafe that he worked at was severely understaffed, and his old, kind manager had left, leaving a very stern and pushy manager in charge, and Taehyung hated it. He hasn't been under this much stress at the café in the entirety of his career.
Once they were inside the little room, Jimin shut the door behind them and went to grab a few things from the shelves while Jungkook sat on the small bed with Taehyung on his lap.
"Squishy teddy or fidget toy?" Jimin hummed, breaking the silence that they'd kept for the past minute or so, and Taehyung sniffled before pointing at the large teddy bear in Jimin's left hand.It was a gift that Hobi had given him when he found out that Taehyung was a little, and the moment Taehyung had it in his grasp, he hugged it against his chest and squeezed it as tightly as he could to try and get rid of all of the frustration and anger that had collected inside of him.
"Good boy." Jungkook praised gently from behind him, running his fingers slowly through the little's hair to try and calm him while Jimin crouched down in front of them."Papa wants to know what's stressing you out, sweetheart. Why don't you tell me all about it, hm?" Jimin tried to coax the words out of him, gentle eyes reassuring Taehyung that his caregivers weren't angry at him fror what he'd done, and he sniffled and dropped his head to look at the stuffed toy in his arms.
"T-Taetae tiwed." He whispered, voice rough from all of the screaming and yelling he'd done that morning, and the other two frowned."You've been working too hard." Jungkook cooed, pressing his lips to the back of Taehyung's head when the little whimpered and nodded to his words.
"Taetae don like wowkin." He sniffled, pouting tiredly and leaning back into Jungkook with a huff."I know, bub, but you're doing so well. Daddy and Papa are so proud of you." Jimin praised, standing up a little to place a gentle kiss on the little's nose, and it made the brunette smile and blush shyly. But after seeing the crescent marks on his hands from where he'd angrily gripped his hands into fists, and remembering the state that he'd left their bedroom in, he froze and gasped a little.
"Uh oh... Taetae w-weawy sowwy." He apologised hurriedly, anxiously waiting for his caregivers to scold him, but it never happened.Jungkook grasped the little's attention by leaning his head around from behind him, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"It's okay, pumpkin, it happens. You could help us clear up the bedroom though?" Jungkook suggested, and Taehyung's expression showed obvious relief as he nodded with a small smile."I'll play some music and we can all bake a cake to celebrate Taetae's hard work after we've finished tidying. How does that sound?" Jimin hummed, and Taehyung giggled.
"Sounds good, Papa."
Jimin smiled back and lifted the boy into his arms from Jungkook's lap, the youngest standing up beside them.
"Well then, let's get tidying, shall we? Taetae, how about you start thinking of a cake idea."They tidied together, keeping Taehyung's bad mood at bay by putting some music on and dancing around as they did so, the little giggling as he put all of the cushions back on the bed. Jimin put his hands on his hips after he'd hoovered, admiring the fact that the room looked twice as clean as it did before, and he clapped his hands together.
"I think that'll do. Wanna go make cake now?" Jimin said, grinning when Taehyung nodded eagerly and immediately ran out of his room to go to the kitchen."Don't run down the stairs!" Jungkook called after him, seeing how Taehyung sheepishly paused at the top of the stairs and giggled softly to himself when he sat down and slid down them instead. Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"Let the chaos begin." He mumbled, Jimin laughing and coming up beside him.
"I think I prefer flour all over the floor to an angry little. C'mon, I'm sure he's getting impatient to tell us what ideas he's come up with." Jimin remarked, to which Jungkook smiled.
"You're probably right."By the time they'd got the chocolate cake in the oven and had wiped at least three eggs from the floor, the little was practically falling asleep where he was sat at the table, head nodding forwards. Jimin stroked his hair to summon his attention, the tired-boy's eyes meeting the other two who were smiling fondly at him.
"Tired?" Jimin cooed, Taehyung pouting and nodding as he rubbed his eyes with small fists."Alrighty, time for a nap." Jungkook hummed, listing Taehyung into his arms, but the little whined in upset and pouted.
"But Taetae wan cake." He grumbled, looking longingly at the oven, and it made Jimin chuckle.
"Sweetheart, the cake isn't finished yet. You can't have uncooked cake, that's icky." He tried to reason with him, but it only made Taehyung squirm, his brows furrowing in frustration."B-But Taetae wan it! Wan it now." He whined, wriggling out of Jungkook's arms, only to sit on the floor with his arms and legs crossed. Jimin sighed; he didn't want another tantrum today.
"Taetae." Jungkook spoke up a little more authoritatively, crouching down in front of the little who poured angrily. "Don't be a grumpy bear. If you go and take a nap with your stuffies, you can have cake as soon as you wake up, okay?"Taehyung wanted to disagree and whine again, but the look on Jungkook's face and the voice that he was using made him know that he'd get in trouble if he did so, so he just huffed and unfolded his arms.
"Otay... uppies? He mumbled, making grabby hands for the younger who stood up and reached down for him, picking him back up into his arms.Jimin planted a kiss in his forehead before Jungkook carried Taehyung up to the little room, letting him down so that he could help Taehyung get changed into some more comfy clothes before his nap.
"Want one of Daddy's hoodies?" Jungkook offered, seeing how the little's eyes sparkled, and he chuckled.
"Okay okay, give me just a sec."Returning with a soft grey hoodie that reached Taehyung's knees, Jungkook found Taehyung with his arms already up to pull the garment over his head, making Jungkook smile.
"There we go. Comfy?"
Taehyung blushed softly as he nodded, walking over to the bed and climbing in so that the duvet was up to his chin."Sowwy fow bein gwunpy, Daddy." He whispered, feeling a second kiss on his forehead before Jungkook shook his head.
"Thank you for the apology, baby. Don't worry, though, Papa and I understand. Sleep well, okay?"
"Otay Daddy. Don eat the cake wivout me!"
Jungkook laughed and switched the light off.
"We won't... maybe."
"Kidding, kidding."